Yesterday we hopped on a plane in Gladstone and took off for Melbourne... little did we know it wasn't going to be as smooth a trip as we'd hoped for... you can never guess these things I guess...
When we arrived in Brisbane we realised that the flight to Melbourne was leaving nearly an hour later than had originally been booked - we weren't notified of this... so we landed nearly an hour later.... (not good when you'd made plans to have dinner with people!!)
Anyway, so we grabbed our luggage when we finally arrived, headed off to the car rental place and organised the car... this took a while because the visa was rejecting... not through lack of funds as such - but because the payments hadn't gone through the business account....
Once we'd sorted out the Visa issues, then we got the car - got all of the luggage into it - and went to put in Blake's carseat... and the strap doesn't reach all the way down to the anchor point... we've never needed one before - so we didn't grab the one that Mom and Dad have... so we had to wait for the car rental people to track down an extension cord....
Anyway, long story short... instead of leaving the airport at the original 4:30pm or so (local time) - we ended up getting out of there just after 6pm..... we had phoned Narelle and said that we'd just see them the following day (ie. today) and we'd head to the hote.... we then phoned the hotel and were told that if we wanted to have a cot put up in the room it'd cost us another $25 per night... so, being the fish that I am - we decided we'd be better off going via Narelle's place and grabbing the port-a-cot that we'd arranged to borrow anyway.... (it was on the way to the hotel - so no real big deal)....
When we got there, both kids were asleep - so Rob stayed in the car and I brought his dinner out to him... but then we decided that if we left the kids sleeping then we'd have the issue of getting them to sleep once we got to the hotel... so we woke up Jade (and in the process Blake woke up)...
Jade was excited to see Damien and Edmond - but was half asleep when we first walked into the house...

Edmond, Blake & Narelle

Jade & Damien
(and yes, she's yawning)

still a tired little girl - and a tired daddy too...

Shaf & Blake

She's awake!!!

Damien and Jade playing in the boy's room

Edmond was fascinated by Blake..

cuddles for Blake....
Once back in the car, Jade quickly fell asleep again....

Blake dressed for bed in an outfit Bec lent us for the trip.....
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