Yesterday we were up bright and early... .well early by QLD times - but I guess it was a bit of a sleep in if we're expected to adjust to VIC times.... meh - that's not gonna happen... :)
Anyway, Jade came running into the room bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning - all ready to head over to visit Damien and Edmond again (oh - and Narelle and Shaf!)

All rugged up (which it turned out she didn't need - it was a reasonably warm day yesterday)

Blake must have known how the day would pan out, and was attempting to get as much sleep before the day as possible....

Cuddles for Damien

Kisses for Damien

Kisses for Jade (she's looking a bit confused)
When we got to Narelle's she advised us that Rachael was heading over and she'd be there in about half an hour or so... so that was great, I haven't seen Rachael since 2001 - so it was great to catch up again.... she hasn't changed :)

Blake was a fan!
We decided to take the kids to the park just down the road from Narelle's place (well - it's at the end of her street - you can probably see it from her back yard if you looked over the fence - it's really handy and you don't have to cross any streets to get there.... so it's great for the kids...

Rachael & Narelle

When we got back to Narelle's she decided to pull out Damien's electric jeep type vehicle.... Jade wasn't overly impressed by it... but I think that's because Damien was going full speed into the fence - then would put it into reverse and go full speed back into the house...

Edmond had the right idea - sit in there and let his mother push him around the yard...

And this is one point in time when Blake managed to get a snooze in...
(unfortunately Edmond is REALLY taken with him - so if he sees him - he'd go over and smooch with him...)
We stayed to have dinner with Narelle again (beats eating take-away - and Narelle is a qualified Chef - so even simple meals taste awesome!) - Jade even ate two bowls... but we think that she may have been catching up as she wasn't interested in eating on Tuesday after the flights so didn't have too much at all....
After dinner, we took the kids back to the hotel room and got them both to sleep - then I was planning on blogging both days photos.... I managed to get all of these pics edited last night - but by the time I'd blogged day #1 I was too tired to do #2... hopefully I can get today blogged before the sun comes up tomorrow - but not promises...
Tonight we're hoping to take Jade down to see the Penguin Parade... but we'll see how she's going - we may put it off til tomorrow night...
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