Saturday, 28 February 2009

Melbourne Superbikes Trip - Day 5

A Maze 'N Things

This morning was a bit laid back, Jade slept in til 8am (VIC time) - so not REALLY a sleep in... but the sun was up and she wasn't - so it was a bit odd... :)  Mind you - with going to bed at 10pm - I was surprised that she didn't sleep til lunch time... (I'm hoping tonight she'll get to bed earlier...  but it's hard to say to a kid to go to bed at 8:30pm (Vic time) when it's still really light outside...  Plus, Molly is still happily running around at night - and Jade follows Molly like a lost puppy....

We had breakfast and were with Geoff, Jodie and Molly by 9:30... we headed into Cowes to get the usual Superbikes t-shirts - plus I got Jade a new "My Dad's faster than your Dad" t-shirt (they brought out a Green one this year!) - and I got Blake a black one (it's the only one they had in a "O")....    (I was looking at all the shirts I brought down for the holiday - and only 2 of them aren't motorbike shirts... that's pretty sad!)

Anyway, after doing the superbikes shopping we then headed off to a motorbike gear shop so that Geoff and Jodie could get Molly a new motorbike helmet and jacket as she'd outgrown the other stuff while they weren't looking....

Then we headed off to "A Maze 'N Things"... the boys took the girls in to look around while Jodie and I went to the coffee shop with Blake...  (I can't wait til Blake is a bit older then i'll get to go in too - but all he wanted to do was sleep so it was easier to not have to clank the pram through there...)

This is a little digger toy that has a big sandpit to dig into...
Rob trying to show them how to use it...

These are a couple of photos that they had done while they were in there...  When I first saw them i thought they were done on a green screen - but no, the room is built like that - it's actually just a photo of them standing in the room....

It was apparently a little scary for Jade... i guess she just didn't understand it properly....

Everyone is now asleep...  well - apart from me - but according to Rob... someone has to be not so sleepy - and he gets to be "THAT" someone....  I don't think i've slept well the entire trip... Blake was up at least 3 times last night...  meh, what can you do?

Friday, 27 February 2009

Melbourne Superbikes Trip - Day 4

First thing we had to do when we got up this morning was to head to the Dr...  my throat infection is back and I didn't want to wait for it to get as bad as last time before I did anything about it... (although - it flared up really quickly last time too....but this time I'm not taking any chances)...

When we got back from the Doctors - Blake was snoozing - so Rob took Jade down to the park and then down to the beach so that I could try to get Blake to have a decent sleep... it took me about an hour and a half to get him off to sleep...  As I took him out of the car he woke up - so the 5min power nap was enough for him to decide not to keep sleeping...  but I managed to convince him that he needed a sleep and then he slept from 11:30 til 2pm...  still not a huge sleep - but you can't expect much when every noise in the cabin seems to magnify...

We don't tip toe around him at all, but sometimes when they've gone a week without a decent sleep you figure that it's worth trying to put in a bit of effort so that they can get a decent sleep in so that they can start to catch up a little.....

Rob came back with Jade, so I made lunch for everyone... then Jodie msg'd to say that they'd made it to the caravan park - so I said I'd head over as soon as things were sorted at our end...  Rob stayed at the cabin with Jade and Blake...   Jade only slept from 1-2pm or so... I guess all the excitement here is just too much for her...  

After Jade and Blake's sleep, Jodie and Molly headed over our way... Molly was all dressed to hit the water...  I'm standing there thinking that there's no way Jade would want to go in the water as it's still reasonably cool here... especially in comparison to what we're used to...  but Jade was happy to get her togs on and head down to the beach with Molly (her new best friend apparently!)...

Blake's first time down on the beach, but it doesn't REALLY count - he stayed in his pram with his ruggy lining....

Molly and Jade heading up to the taps to wash off....  so cute holding hands!

Our drain girls sitting under the tap washing their legs off....

Blake & Jodie

Blake thought Molly was pretty kewl too!

Oh, and we stuck to tradition... Friday night pizza night at the Island...
But these are REAL pizza's... and barely any cheese - so, they're even more healthy than the rubbish we usually find...

Geoff pushing both girls on the swings....

So, we've had another great day... now that we've got people to chat to at the caravan park it's even better...  we don't have the same crowd that used to come down - I guess everyone has gone their separate ways again... but we're happy with the company we have... Jade loves Molly to bits and Molly seems to enjoy Jade's company too... so it's a win win...  

All kids are exhausted right now and all asleep - which you'd want to be the case by this time of night...  mind you, Jade has only been asleep about 30mins (and it's currently 10:25pm VIC time)...

Oh yeah, and Rob is snoring...  so, fingers crossed I get to sleep!

Meanwhile - Back in Gladstone.....

They're not wasting any time on the shed!

The concretor came over on Tuesday morning and said that they wouldn't be able to lay the slab that day because there was a chance of rain and he wasn't sure when he'd do it....

On Thursday I got an email from Mom with the following photos....

Today I got an MMS with this pic.....

It's all starting to take shape!!!  It wont be finished before we get home as it's Friday - and we'll be home Tuesday... but I don't think it's going to be too long before it is all finished....  then we can start on working out where to put the concrete for the entertaining area....  

Things are starting to look better!

Flight Photos.....

I know, you all think I'm weird for posting these pics now... unfortunately they've been on Rob's phone and everytime I've blogged I haven't had access to his phone to nab the photos.....

I wanted to make sure that I had pics of Blake's first ever flight - as well as keeping his tickets...

Jade the seasoned flier...  I've lost track of how many times I've flown with her now, I know she was only 3 months the first time we flew.....  

Blake's first flight - Gladstone to Brisbane - I'm holding his blanket up at the window so that you can actually see him in the photo - and you can see his cute little belt...

Blake's second flight - Brisbane to Melbourne...  doesn't he look comfy???
He slept nearly the entire flight

Melbourne Superbikes Trip - Day 3

The caravan park has a playground that is fully fenced.... it's great...  Rob took Jade down there yesterday afternoon to have a play....

Last night we took Jade to the Penguin Parade... she had a great time once the penguins were up off the beach and walking through the area where the boardwalks are...

The photo below is just a photo of the photo we had done at the centre...   Jade sat in a "green" area and they superimposed her into the photo with the penguins... the best I could do for now is to just take a photo of it...  so you'll all have to survive with the fact that you can see the flash glare...

The Cabin!

We arrived at the island around 3pm yesterday - the Cabin we got is different to the one last time - and SO much nicer!  This is the Deluxe Beach View 2 cabin, it's great...  the main bedroom has a queensize bed (as opposed to a double in the other one) - and there's another room with double bunks...  

Jade thinks the bunks are great the bottom ones are for sleeping and story time...  The top bunks are for colouring in....

The living area isn't as cramped either...  we've had to move the dining table over a little bit so that we could put Blake's port-a-cot under the TV so that it's mostly out of the way...

The kitchen is a decent size - and a reasonable sized fridge - so that we were able to do the shopping for the weekend and store it all so that we didn't have to head to the shops every day...

The bathroom is cute - and the shower has a bit in the bottom that is deep enough to bath Blake and Jade... (not at the same time though)

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Melbourne Superbikes Trip - Day 2

Yesterday we were up bright and early... .well early by QLD times - but I guess it was a bit of a sleep in if we're expected to adjust to VIC times....  meh - that's not gonna happen... :)

Anyway, Jade came running into the room bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning - all ready to head over to visit Damien and Edmond again (oh - and Narelle and Shaf!)

All rugged up (which it turned out she didn't need - it was a reasonably warm day yesterday)

Blake must have known how the day would pan out, and was attempting to get as much sleep before the day as possible....

Cuddles for Damien

Kisses for Damien

Kisses for Jade (she's looking a bit confused)

When we got to Narelle's she advised us that Rachael was heading over and she'd be there in about half an hour or so...  so that was great, I haven't seen Rachael since 2001 - so it was great to catch up again....  she hasn't changed :)

Blake was a fan!

We decided to take the kids to the park just down the road from Narelle's place (well - it's at the end of her street - you can probably see it from her back yard if you looked over the fence - it's really handy and you don't have to cross any streets to get there.... so it's great for the kids...

Rachael & Narelle

When we got back to Narelle's she decided to pull out Damien's electric jeep type vehicle....  Jade wasn't overly impressed by it... but I think that's because Damien was going full speed into the fence - then would put it into reverse and go full speed back into the house...

Edmond had the right idea - sit in there and let his mother push him around the yard...

And this is one point in time when Blake managed to get a snooze in...

(unfortunately Edmond is REALLY taken with him - so if he sees him - he'd go over and smooch with him...)

We stayed to have dinner with Narelle again (beats eating take-away - and Narelle is a qualified Chef - so even simple meals taste awesome!) - Jade even ate two bowls... but we think that she may have been catching up as she wasn't interested in eating on Tuesday after the flights so didn't have too much at all....

After dinner, we took the kids back to the hotel room and got them both to sleep - then I was planning on blogging both days photos.... I managed to get all of these pics edited last night - but by the time I'd blogged day #1 I was too tired to do #2... hopefully I can get today blogged before the sun comes up tomorrow - but not promises...

Tonight we're hoping to take Jade down to see the Penguin Parade... but we'll see how she's going - we may put it off til tomorrow night...

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...