Saturday 19th July
We headed down to Ipswich for Carl's 30th birthday..... It was a James Bond theme party and we'd been given instructions to dress up James Bond Style.... well, that was fun when you consider that I have never watched a James Bond movie in my life.... but, with much googling... we got costumes sorted....
Jade was happy to go as Gold Finger... so the idea was just to dress her in as much gold as possible... that was interesting given that trying to buy these things online isn't the easiest... and I ordered her a sequin gold tank top - which I thought would be fantastic.... however, it was really thin and lets keep in mind we're in the middle of winter... coupled with the fact that we were in Ipswich - where Winter is colder than Gladstone ever has to offer..... So, two days before the party - when I headed to Lincraft to get some gold material to make Jade a headband.... I bought excess and considered making a top of some description just to cover her arms.... which ended up with me just making her a wrap.. which she loved...
Rob and Blake got matching white tuxedo jackets that they wore with black pants and white shirts and bow ties..... again, fun times with this.. do you realise how hard it is to get a black bow tie (without going to a formal outfitters and paying major prices for this). Luckily I still had one black bow tie left from when I bought the one for Jade's Doctor Who costume for bookfair last year... so I just had to find one... after going to a few stores I ended up finding a blue one in BigW - which I then coloured in with a Nikko Pen (oh yeah, I'm THAT classy!)
My idea for a costume was to go as a female army lady that I'd found pics of... but the costume turned up and it was not the size they claimed it to be.... so, back to the drawing board.... I decided to just go as a generic spy and wear all black.. oh yeah!!! COMFIEST COSTUME EVER!!! black jeans, black t-shirt and a black jacket.... (leather look - but it was vinyl at best... and I think even "vinyl" might be stretching it - but it was on sale - and I thought it looked reasonably good - so I was happy)
And we're on our way!
(obligatory road trip photo!)
Oh, and to make the trip more fun - I decided to play with the electric brakes.... these are for trailers with electric brakes etc.... but... if you've got the car on cruise control and you touch the button - it disables cruise control.... so it makes a really fun game! (well, fun for me!)
Mr Cranky is cranky at my game!
and the fight is on!
We got to the hotel - got our gear out and then relaxed for a bit before it was time to get dressed for the party.....
After unpacking the bags I realised that I hadn't packed Blake's black jeans.... OMG... just what I needed! his costume wouldn't be right without it!
luckily Rob had alreaady showered - so he rushed off to BigW and got Blake another pair... (luckily he likes wearing jeans - so he will definitely get some wear out of them)
Heading off to the party.....
Jade loved her costume - and I'd painted her "weekend boots" gold too...
(I'd bought her a new pair of boots to wear on weekends - cause I knew this would destroy them - but - apparently she still likes them and wants to wear them everywhere... I guess they're better gold!)
My two monsters....
Rob and Mini-Me
I think our costumes were a success!
Bailey (Melissa's sister) & Lucas (Kim's son)
Carl & Melissa
Jade, Kim & Lucas
Lucas, Uncle Andy & Aunty Pam
Jade, Blake & Lucas
(Lucas is 2 months younger than Blake)
Do we think maybe there's a relation here somewhere??
Carl and Melissa had set up a photo booth - so that people could dress up and have their pics taken for a scrap book that Melissa (I believe) is making up from the night... we had to fill in cards and put them into a container too - so that they could be put with out photos in the album....
Melissa & Bailey
Carl & Melissa
Mom went as a Bond Bikini Girl :)
Dad went as Oddjob
(his vest arrived 3 days AFTER the party... hooray for some eBay sellers! grr!)
(oh - and I'd bought his tie - which I left at the hotel room... so... bad me too!)
Frank went as Number 2
Gran went as "M"
Daddy's girl
Well, unless there's a gun around!
Black feathers fell from the boas.... so then these made really awesome moustaches....
Everyone got in on that.... even Lisa....
(a russian woman has lots of hair!)
Uncle Andy - Walking like an Egyptian with Jade's gold wrap....
Isn't he pretty???
I feel pretty, oh so pretty... I feel pretty and witty and gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......
(and he's all mine!)
The table with all the dress-up items for the photo booth.....
Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the cake but it was an awesome party... the kids were completely worn out by the time we left that night.....