Sunday 4th July....
Probably the best way to begin this entry, is to explain what's been happening....
Rob's Dad had an aortic aneurysm and needed surgery, for some reason he'd been forgotten and lost in the crowd... he was supposed to have this surgery some time in May and by the end of June he decided to get hold of the Doctor and find out what was happening... at which point they went "oooh... you better come in tonight and we'll do the op in the morning!" (Ooops!)
So, Tuesday 29th June, Rob gets a call from his dad saying that he's going into hospital that night for his op, so Rob organised a flight to get down to Sydney that afternoon... he arrived and went straight to the hospital to see his Dad that night....
He had the op Wednesday morning and all went well.... as far as they were aware... but by Friday they realised that something had gone wrong, he wasn't able to move, whereas the day before he'd been able to grip your hand to confirm that he could hear you (he was fairly heavily sedated too)...
They did a CT scan on the Friday night and confirmed that he'd had a stroke which they believe probably happened during surgery on the Wednesday... so instead of flying home Friday afternoon, Rob again had to re-book flights and organised to come home Sunday night instead...
Back in Gladstone....
Blake's been teething... Thursday night I managed about 2hrs sleep... Friday night if I was lucky I may have managed a combined sleep of 1hr - which when it's broken up into 15min power naps - didn't make for a very happy me by Saturday morning....
Saturday night was much better, Blake managed to let me get about 4hrs sleep - so that was so refreshing (amazing how such a pathetic sleep can seem so life changing after 2 REALLY bad nights prior to it!)
Mom and Dad were away at Brooweena - so it was just me and the kids.. But, we managed to make it through the weekend...
Sunday morning I went over to Alana's place to let off some steam and let the kids run wild with her kids - then we came home in time to get Blake down for his afternoon sleep.... Jade happily played in her room for the afternoon....
When we got to night time, I went to get Blake to bed and gave Jade her DS and said that she could play for 15mins and then I'd come and get her to bed too... I'd got Blake down in a couple of minutes and figured I'd leave her to go for the rest of the time, I heard a thump no more than about 2mins after I'd left her in there but figured she'd just dropped something - I then got a call from Mom.. so I was busy talking to Mom on the phone and went "oops - I was supposed to take the DS off Jade half an hour ago...!" so I hung up and went to get Jade to bed as it was starting to get a bit late..... This is what I found....

Obviously the bang I'd heard was her dropping the DS on the floor... poor little thing was so tired that she'd dropped the DS and just gone to sleep.... she slept all night and even slept in... she was worn out completely.....
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