The Birthday Girl....


Evie's little Brother
(how bad is that? I don't know his name..... )


Sarah (mother of the birthday girl)

Some of the girls eating their sausages on bread....

getting ready to sing Happy Birthday....

All blown out.... (and candles removed)

Jemma, Evie, Ava, Amy, Jade & Lily

Ava cutting her cake - she was told to do one cut - but she went up and down a few times in the "same spot"

(Evie's big sister... she's 6)

The girls had great fun playing in the sand, but then they started putting sand down other kids pants...






Lily & Evie

Jemma & Amy
Then it was apparently time for Group Shots... the girls loved having their pics taken... so they just kept shifting positions and then looking at the pics and choosing another location...

Jemma & Lily are both 6
(I believe.....)

Evie is 4 in October... (or around there)

Was a great morning down at the Marina.... it's good going to parties where you know that you're going to know all the kids and the parents.... it's much better than turning up to a party where you know no one and kind of just sit out of the way.....
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