Sunday - 27th June.....
J'Bee is four months older than Blake
This is the first birthday party I've been to out at Canoe point - and I didn't even realise that they had a big rope climby thing (like the one Jade loves in Sydney)....
It was so nice out there, and heaps of area for the kids to run around and play (and once it heats up - there's a beach too)
Unfortunately I didn't get many photos - I also didn't get a photo of the birthday boy... how slack was that?? luckily one of Alana's friends is a professional photographer.. so I'm sure she got enough pics :)

Jade & Ava on the Rope Climber....
(Ava is J'Bee's older sister, and she's in Jade's class at daycare....)

Pass the Parcel

Blake loved the Rugby Ball.... wonder if he'll be a footballer like his big brother....

Jade won a lolly in the pass the parcel.... (not that she ate it - but she was very excited!)

all the little guys running around with the Rugby Balls... (there were two by the end of the morning)

Logan (Ava & J'Bee's older brother)

Not sure if Blake was trying to hatch his Rugby Ball.... :)
(you may also notice that I discovered that Blake's pants can be adjusted to 3 heights - which is great - can make them almost into shorts by using tabs on the button on the pockets on either side... not sure if this was intentional by the designers 0r jsut a fluke... either way - I'm happy with it!)
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