Monday - 21st June....
Jade has never been one to sleep still.... she has always rolled over and kicked the wall (since she's been in the bed) - in the days when she was in her cot, you'd hear her roll over and hit the slats during the night....
Combined with the fact that Blake hasn't been big on sleeping through the night (yay teething!) - I wake to pretty much any noise during the night... so waking up purely because Jade has rolled over and kicked the wall (our bedrooms share a wall) has not made me happy lately.....
So, I decided to fix that..... once I'd put Blake down for his afternoon sleep I went into Jade's room and we moved her bed to the back wall.... she loves the room the way it is now - cause her bed faces the mirror... and yes, she loves watching herself.....

People always comment on how Jade looks like me, I believe them, but I don't see it...
Here I do... this is the kind of pose I would have done at around Jade's age.....

This set-up has actually made her spend more time playing with her doll house - I have no idea why - it's just as accessible here as it was on the other wall.. but, whatever works.....
The way the room is set-up now also makes it easier for if Xander spends the night as we don't need to move anything to make room for a mattress on the floor... so yay for that!
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