Saturday 26 July 2008

Last weekend... Preparation for Trials comp.....

Last weekend, Jade and I headed out to Scrubby creek with Mom and Dad, Frank and Shayne and some other of the trials club members to start preparing for this weekend's trials competition...
The basic idea was to clear some of the area for cars to park, as well clear out areas to set the actual sections.... Jade loves bush walking - so it's always a great thing to go and help out with... (not that I think we're actually much help - but I did help with chosing some of the lower grade lines to ride... better than not helping at all I guess :) )
Anyway, we took Jade's oset with us... which came out of the van - and went back in... she was more interested in going on Grandpa's motorbike with him.... (I guess this way she gets to do more exciting things (and Grandpa doesn't fall off... so that's always a bonus!)....
Helmet and Gloves on - ready to go!

On the Bike... still ready to go!
This is how cold it was out there... it was after 8am - and it was foggy! (and this is QLD - it's not supposed to get foggy up here!)


Figure 8's and standing up...

Yes, even I got on the bike for a second... (not that I did any real riding... I'm not THAT silly at this point of the pregnancy!)

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

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