Saturday 26 July 2008

Happy Birthday Wobz - 37!

Rob's actual birthday was 23rd... but - he only got home that night... So, not really a night to have people over as all he wanted to do was to relax a bit and have a reasonably early night....

Mom and Dad did come over that night to wish Rob a happy birthday and to have a cup of coffee (and Greg's a coffee drinker now too... did I mention that???)...

Anyway, so last night we had the usual suspects (Mom, Dad, Frank & Shayne) over, as well as Damian, Jaime & Xander (I guess these days, they're usual suspects too!)... was just a simple BBQ as well as Damian and Jaime (joint effort) made Rob a Black Forest cake (on Rob's demand!)....

Unfortunately, our plate set - only has 8 plates... do the Math - and you'll work out that we didn't have enough "big people" plates for Greg... so he had to use one of Jade's plastic plates for dinner.... and a plastic bowl for dessert....

When he was having dinner, he was able to use normal knives and forks - because we had more than 8 of each of those (the set has 8 big forks and 8 slightly smaller forks - etc...).... so he didn't feel too bad...

Unfortunately, when I got around to getting out tea spoons for people to eat cake with.... I was back to the predicament of only having a set of 8... so guess what Greg had to use??? one of Jade's baby spoon's!!!! (And he chose the pink one... the other two options were green ones - which Jade and Xander ended up using).... I had to get a photo of this! Poor Greg!!!

Oh, and Greg got a haircut (finally) - and went away from the mohawk look and now just has a weird messy chop chop kinda cut... but it can be left down to look slightly more normal.... (I don't get it... but he's happy!)

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...