We had got up at 5am to leave the house by 6am (we actually managed to leave at 5:58! yay us!) Anyway, we pretty much dragged Jade outta bed - shoved a bit of yoghurt in her and put her in the car... we didn't bother with her hair... (as you can see below....)

Dad had decided to start warming up the bikes... Jade had been so excited about this weekend because she was determined to go on the bikes... and until now, she's only gone for rides on the bike with me...
I guess she figured if she was going to get on a bike at all - she couldn't be picky on the rider...
Well, Grandpa quickly became her favourite person for the entire weekend - she went riding with him heaps... she was standing up (on the engine) - which only raised her butt about 1" above where she'd been sitting - but she was standing and that's the point....Dad was taking her through sections and up and down gulleys and all kinds of things... this kid has potential.....

After we set up the beds we went to watch - and they were still on Section 1... Rob was riding Clubman - but because Greg had never ridden a twinshock bike (and my one at that) - we were a little reluctant to expect him to ride at a level that he would usually be reasonably happy.... He had a great time anyway, so I don't think it really bothered him.. and he won Novice... (we probably shouldn't mention that there were only two people riding Novice and the other one came up to about Greg's hip!!.... but shh!)

Greg (concentrating so much that his tongue is hanging out!)
It took them til about 5:30pm to finish riding and get back to camp - and by that time it was nearly dark.... gotta love being out bush.... we set Rob up on his usual bbq duties...

It was FREEZING there at night - but luckily ended up being a reasonably warm night.... it was bucketing down by about 11pm which is about the time that pretty much everyone decided it was bed time... I'd given up by about 10pm.. and Jade had gone to sleep at 6:30pm after going the entire day without a sleep and with all the excitement of motorbike riding)

And lastly.. the food cooking on the fire.....
Unfortunately, because the SLR is dead at the moment, the only camera I had to use was our old Nikon and it's just so slow in comparison to the SLR... so I got a bit frustrated...
Coupled with the fact that it rained all day Sunday - so going outside with the camera wasn't really an option I could be bothered with...
Jade happily watched Care Bears on the DVD player in the Prado while I packed up the tent and the boys were off riding... (typical huh???)
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