Wednesday 9 July 2008

Jade's first solo ride on a motorbike.....

As most of you would know, Jade has been riding on motorbikes since she was 10months old... but always on a bike with other people.... Now she's at the point where she feels she needs to do the riding for herself....

So, being the great parents that we are... *cough* we went and bought her an electric trials bike... Today was the first chance we had to get her onto the bike, as it only came home on Monday night and by yesterday afternoon the battery hadn't been on charge more than 12hrs - so we didn't dare let her ride it yesterday....

Today was the first time she saw the motorbike in real life as well... (she'd seen photos)

At first we weren't sure whether she'd change her mind about riding the bike herself - sometimes she's all talk and very little action.... as can be seen in the first video....

We then got Jade outside to check out the bike, she wasn't 100% of what to make of it at first....

Surprisingly though, she finished her icy pole and then said "ok, now I can ride my trials bike!!!" and it was all we could do to get her gear on as quickly as possible. (Unfortunately her motorbike helmet hasn't arrived yet, so she's going to have to wear her bicycle helmet for the next couple of days). But she loves her new gloves!

Then it was all systems go.... or maybe not...

Ok, she was fine with it after that... she rode it around Mom and Dad's back yard for over an hour - probably close to an hour and a half before she agreed that we were allowed to put it away... These vids don't show her riding as she was towards the end... But they'll have to do for now.. Rob's still editing the film from the video camera (these were filmed on his mobile phone).

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...