Sunday 25th July......
I've been having no luck lately... I had a root canal done a year and a half ago.... and the week before I'd gotten a massive toothache.... I went to the dentist and she'd confirmed that it was my root canal tooth - gave me antibiotics and told me to see an Endodontist....
$4,400 to get 2 teeth retreated.... and a trip to Brisbane - because of course there aren't any Endodontists anywhere closer.....
Mom and Dad agreed to have the kids for the two days so that I could get down to Brisbane on the Sunday for my 8am appointment on the Monday....
Rob had headed to Sydney, to visit his father who's still in hospital, after his training course in Brisbane on the Friday ..... so instead of flying home on Sunday afternoon, he got off in Brisbane... which was fantastic - because I wasn't up for driving home on Monday after 2hrs of having an endodontist working on my teeth...
The kids were really good for Mom and Dad....

The kids LOVE the swings at Mom and Dad's place....
Monday 26th July....
Blake woke up with spots.... on his face mainly and then down his one arm and over part of his chest... originally Mom thought it was chicken pox, but when it didn't appear all over his chest-stomach& back she'd figured it must have just been a skin thing....

This pic was taken at 6:52am....
(for reference sake)
He looked much worse that night.....
He was reasonably happy for most of the day, then wouldn't go down for his afternoon sleep.... only because he'd worked out how to climb out of his cot, so it then became a game.... Mom eventually had to get him to sleep on her bed and she had to stay with him....
When he woke from his sleep his face was even more covered in spots and his lips were covered in sores and swollen....
Mom took him straight up to the Doctor who said that it wasn't Chicken Pox, it was Eczema and it was infected.... so she got all the medications and creams under the sun.... he confirmed that he wasn't contagious, so he was right to still bath with Jade - etc....
Turns out, he had Hand Foot and Mouth... and a really really bad case of it... he was covered pretty much head to toe within a few days... but because we'd been told it was Eczema - we sent him to daycare with his medications... it wasn't until the Wednesday morning that we found out it was H,F&M.... and that was only because they'd had another reported case of it at the daycare....
He was very upset about it for most of the 5 or so days following.... he was off his food - apparently they get the sores all inside their mouths too - but he was too upset when Mom got him to the Doctors on the Wednesday that she didn't even look inside his mouth, but said that it was more than likely just as bad inside his mouth....
He's all good now though (just so that you don't have to wait for me to get around to doing another blog entry - I'm way behind!)
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