Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Happy 39th Birthday Rob.....

Tuesday 27th July.... only four days late... but circumstances didn't allow for it to be any earlier..... was still a good night... we just went for a simple chicken and salad dinner at Mom and Dad's place...

Gotta love how Jade sits with her arm around Blake.... they get along so well....
(then again, so did Frank and I at this age..... things change! heh...)



Holy Dooly - a pic of me!!

with my spotty Puggle.....

Jade & Blake checking out the birthday cake....

Jade wanted to bring the cake out.... she carried it so carefully.... I'm surprised the candles hadn't melted by the time she got to the table....

Concentration Face....

and then she had to help blow out the candles....

Blake and his favourite person in the whole wide world.....

Poor little guy... at this stage we thought it was all just Eczema... and had no idea that he had a mouth and throat full of sores and blisters.... poor guy...

eating the cake....
(or in Blake's case - just mashing it up... he was off his food for pretty much a week.. but at this stage we still had no idea why)

This was the best I could do for getting pics of Blake... for the two days following he was extremely unhappy and I didn't get the camera to him again.... these pics actually make it look not as bad as it really was..... but it's the best idea I can give you all about how he was..... he definitely was the worst of all the cases I did see of it, but it hit pretty much all the little kids at all of the local daycare centres - not just ours.....

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February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...