Monday 16th August.....
We got back from swimming lessons to find that the concretor was busy boxing up the driveway.... these pics were taken once he'd finished and Blake was up from his afternoon sleep.....
Poor Jade was a bit confused and thought this was the finished product and went "He hasn't done a very good job, how am I supposed to walk on this???"

Tuesday 17th August....
Got home from work to find that they'd completed the driveway.... they were busy doing the "finishing" touches to it when I left for work... they just had to "brush" it so that it wasn't slippery at all.....

New council regulations meant that he's had to make the driveway go up more than he would have 4 months ago.... but, you gotta do what you gotta do.... but it meant that we had to leave the fencing up for a few days after it was dry enough to drive on (for Pete to come back and bring soil up to the edges) - because it was a trip hazard.....

It's just nice having a driveway that is concrete from the house all the way to the road - rather than to about 5 metres from the road and then dust and rocks for the rest....

This part of the slab is so that we can finally get the sliding gate put on.... (about time! now to just wait for Bruce to come and get that done)
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