Wednesday 18th August....
After picking the kids up from daycare we headed straight over to Mom and Dad's place.... not that this is highly unusual... but on this day I'd bought the kids art smocks as well as paint and paper and lettering so that they could do some Hand Paintings for Rob's Dad who is still in hospital...
Rob was flying down on Friday morning, and I needed to have them done and laminated before he left.....

Dry short hair.....

Blake in his Art Smock... and cuddles for GG

Jade & Blake in their Art Smocks...

The first lot of handprints on Blake's poster... after doing the first four - we realised we'd run out of room if we did four of each colour - so we then cut it back to 2....

Painting Blake's hands....

Placing the hands... this was interesting... some of his hand prints look like aliens have been there...

As soon as he was done he wanted the Smock off...

"oh, don't take my picture!"

Jade also wanted to paint Grandad a picture of a flower to make him feel better... we got this one laminated also....

Blake playing buttons with GG

Jade's hands are so big now that we could only fit one hand of each colour on the page....

Then it was time to leave.....
(At this point Harry decided it was safe to come home!)

He likes being carried, she likes playing mother hen... it's a win win!

When we got home the kids were very excited that they were allowed to walk over the new driveway.... and of course Blake walked off the other side - into a big puddle of mud - and then walked it back onto the driveway.....

Blake's footprints....