Yesterday morning I was up at 6am and showered and ready for when Mom and Dad came to drop the kids back..... then once everyone was up, Rob cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast for Megan & Colin (who'd stayed in the guest room after the reunion) - and for Steph (who got to sleep in Jade's room and play with her toys!!! - - - don't try to deny it steph - you know you can't resist ponies!)... Oh, and Jade had an egg too... (she's not into bacon)
Once we'd all eaten - Megan and Colin headed back to Rocky (as Megan's kids were due to be brought home as well....) - the rest of us headed back to the Motel to finish packing up... and once I was sure that nothing significant was going to be left behind - I packed the kids and steph into the Prado and we took off to visit Leeanne and her family out at her parent's property...
As soon as we arrived, Jade took off with Caitie to play with all the new toys (well - new to Jade)... Blake did some crawling around the new environment to see what was good to play with..... he found the liqueur cabinet!

"umm, what you lookin' at?? I'm not doing anything wrong???"

"now.... how do I get in there????"
We needed to keep him distracted after a while because it was the only place he wanted to go... and the doors weren't latched... so it could have ended badly...
Leeanne was running a car all over him - over his tummy, his head - around the back of his head, up his arms.. you name it - the car went there.. he thought this was the funniest thing ever... (easy to amuse an 8month old!!!)

He loves Leeanne.....
Unfortunately I didn't realise until after Steph went home that I didn't get any pics of Jade or Blake with Steph.... I'm going to be in so much trouble!!!
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