38 today, 38 today.. hip hip hoooray... he's 38 today!
Happy Birthday Wobz!!!!
We had a long day today... started at 5am - I woke up and no noise from Blake - so I'd decided that I'd keep trying to sleep... then I started worrying about whether I'd get everything done in time to leave on time for work - etc etc etc.... so I got up and showered - and by the time I got out - Blake was awake... and Rob even managed to get out of bed at 5:30... probably giving him a baby while I got myself dressed didn't help with his sleep in! :)
Anyway, busy day at work... and trying to instruct Rob on things that needed to be done so that we'd be ready to leave tomorrow when I finish work... so we need to make sure all is packed today... (not that that has actually happened - but we're 95% complete - just need to pack bedding now as well as cold food and we're ready!)
I spent the entire afternoon running from one end of the house to the other and trying to pack clothes and put away ironing - and get other washing done and dried... as well as trying to clean up for when people came over tonight - and make sure that hte floor wasn't too dirty - etc etc etc.... busy busy :)
5pm came - the kids were home (thanks to Jaime for picking them up from Mom's and from Daycare!!!!) - house was clean....ish.... just had to feed Blake and sponge him clean (gotta make sure he doesn't get his ears wet - and he just enjoys his bath way too much to avoid water in the ears in there!!!) - he wasn't overly impressed when he realised that once he got naked he didn't get into the bath...
We tried putting Blake to bed - but that doesn't happen when you have a house full of people and a social butterfly like he is (and like his sister!)

Guess who daddy's girl is?!?!?!

and her favourite place to be :)

Blake happily amuses himself... he doesn't need people now that he can get around properly!

Jade helping Rob open his presents.... books from Angela.... (Terry Pratchett & a Dr Who Encyclopedia)

Oh Look!!! Rob got the same card twice.... he only got 3 cards this year... one from Aunty Bet.... one from his Dad and one from his Mother... (and it was his father and mother that bought the same cards!! how weird is that?!? ehehe - I think it's all the Daddy/Daughter motorbike picture that got their attention!! I probably would have picked that one too!) (as for the other cards... I haven't had time to get cards, and Mom forgot when she was out rushing around yesterday... it's just been so insanely busy here lately... and with me back at work - no one has spare time!)

Xander & Jade opening the present from Mom and Dad....

Rob's surprised look.... "it's... umm..... shade cloth!?!!"
(The Shade cloth has been hemmed and had eyelets put in - you use tent pegs and peg it into the ground to make a floor under the annexe of the caravan - will be handy this weekend so that people aren't trapsing mud through the van!)

Blake's coming out with some funny faces lately.....
(looks like he's not sure if he's happy - sad - or about to have a big giggle....)

Play time with Daddy - and his teething fish....

(I'm sure you've all noticed all of the scratches and stuff that Blake has lately... all compliments of learning to stand up and cruise furniture... he's not ALWAYS successful!)

Jaime & Damian

Jaime's baby bumpage! (16wks)


Mom & Dad

The cake.... Made by Mom....(thanks Mom!!!!!)
I've usually been making the cakes lately - but I've just been too busy this week.... and I was going to go and buy one.... but this saved time and money!!! win-win!

Blake's not too sure what to make of the fire!

Jade helping Rob blow out the candles... Blake's still looking concerned! (he's probably read somewhere that baby clothing is high fire risk or something!)

Me & the Puggle!

so cute puggle! (his eyes are getting bigger too!)

Kisses from Uncle Frank.... (or - more than likely - raspberries!)

he thinks that Frank is the funniest person around... (literally jumps from anyone holding him if Frank is around and on offer!)
We had a great night... but it's late and I'm tired... so I'm calling it quits here... :) I promise to get lots of photos over the weekend at the trials comp.....
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