Yesterday arvo we headed down to Spinnaker Park at the Marina to kick the ball around with Bec and Emily....

There's those cute jeans again!

ahhh - the dimple! :)

concentrating on crawling....

Blake's first ever hot (well not so hot) - chip....


Bec & Emily...

and THIS is why we tie Jade's hair up... she wanted it down yesterday and spent the entire day trying to hold it up and out of her face.....
In the middle of the visit to Spinnaker Park I had to get Steph off to the airport... so I took Blake with me.... he fell asleep about 2mins before we got back to the marina....

he managed to keep sleeping for a little while....

and now we're awake...

Jade made a friend... unfortunately this dog seemed to think it was coming with us when we left... was an old dog - but very friendly.. but obviously belonged to someone - well fed and collar mark around his neck....
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