Yesterday I went to look at some items that a local lady had up ready for a garage sale.. Frank needed a new couch - and she'd listed that she had a lounge suite - so we got in there early (also the time she was planning to have people come over wasn't a good time for the kids....
The lounge was great - so Frank now had that in his unit... but while Mom was talking to Frank about whether he wanted it I went to look at what else she had for sale and managed to pick up a new pair of Dorothy shoes for Jade (they fit and she loves them) - they'd never been worn and still had all the tags on them... so that was a bargain... also managed to pick up another Jigsaw puzzle for Jade for $2 and it had never been done and the box wasn't even opened.... (this has been her latest thing... it's all about doing jigsaws again)
Anyway, I also managed to pick up this block thing - I don't know how to describe them.. but you'll see in the pictures.... This was for Blake.. and he loves it...

Even the feet can play this game!!!
I took the new jigsaw to Mom and Dad's place for Jade to play there (so that they had more than 1 ready for when she is over visiting)... and when we got home we opened a new puzzle (as she's getting a bit bored with the Thomas and the Cars ones as she can pretty much do them blindfolded....
She used to want people to talk her through how to put the jigsaw together, now if you try to help you get told that she doesn't need help - she can do it by herself! (and she can)

She's really good at putting things together....

Blake decided that chewing on it was acceptable...

He was quite impressed with himself...

and the jigsaw is complete... (all in 7mins (according to photo times) - with no assistance at all - I was too busy taking photos!)
Then it was bathtime for Blake...

I pulled out a tie-dyed singlet that Vi had made for Jade (but by the time she sent it - Jade was about 9 months - and out of size O already.... it only just fits Blake now - I think it's a small O)

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