Jade has always loved swimming, even to the point of forcing us to get in the pool when we feel it's just too cold - because she wants to swim.... but for the last term we've had problems, Jade hasn't wanted to go to swimming lessons - we'd take her in and she'd scream... we were getting to the point where we were starting to wonder whether we should pull her out of lessons....
Well, a few weeks ago when she was getting upset at lessons - I got up - picked up Blake and walked off... Jade got upset that we'd left - she settled down and finished her lesson without so much as a peep.... the following week she was a little hesitant to go into lesson, but she was fine once she was in there....
This week was fantastic, we arrived - she ran straight up to the fence and was yelling "Hi Miss Jolene.... Hi Miss Terri!!!!!" - all excited... she did her lesson and was perfect for the rest of the day... Yay!!!! It's so much easier when they're all happy!

Jade and Marcus making sure that Blake doesn't sleep (Grrr! But he did go to sleep once they'd gone to their lesson - unfortunately the lesson is only 30mins)

Cheeky Face....

Russell (Marcus' little brother)

Jade is left to swim on her own as she knows what to do and they're happy to just instruct her....

Looks like he had things on his mind while sleeping....

Getting ready to do backstroke....

and the arms dropped as soon as she lept backwards... oh well - she tried....

Marcus all excited at the other end of the pool (they all love jumping in from the edge)

Jade doing the jump... then they have to swim back to the side of the pool and get out again....

Ready to dive in and swim to the other side of the pool....

The arms just don't stay in position for these jumps yet... but they'll get there...

Who'd have thought an 18kg 3.5yr old could make such a big splash!

Swimming the last bit to the edge of the pool....

Marcus happy at the end of his swim....

A worn out little blobby at the end of her lesson.... (and she'd managed to pull half her hair out... can you guess which half??)
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