Jade got up at 6:30am this morning... this isn't really anything new, but she did stay up to watch Ice Age 2 last night with Rob (who got home yesterday!!! yay!!!!).... Anyway, first thing she said "can we go see Xander now???"
I'd told Jade last night that if she was good we'd go see Xander today and take her bike over... we also packed her scooter in hope that Xander could get her using it as well....
Where Jaime & Damian live in town is really nice and quiet and at the end of their street is a cul-de-sac that is completely void of any housing - so no cars.... so we took the kids down there with their scooters to start with...

After a while, Damian headed back up to the house and came back with both kids bikes as well as shade for us all to sit under (while we weren't busy running around with the kids!)...

We ended up putting Jade's training wheels back on, until she's realised that people aren't there to push her around everywhere... she had a ball....

I can't remember why she'd decided to play on the kerb... it was funny at the time...

Rob brought my blades over when he finally headed over (he had to go to the doctors this morning - so he came and met us after he'd finished)

Rob even got in on the scooter action

So casual in his finger sucking.....
We all stopped for a drink, and then Xander decided that it would be funny to tip his drink on Damian... but Damian got in first and totally drenched Xander.....

This pic of Damian being wet is actually Jade throwing her water at Damian....

... she thought this was extremely funny....

.. that is, until Jaime wet Jade... then it wasn't funny anymore!

it got funny eventually :)
We definitely had a great morning, headed home - got both kids to bed for a sleep.... and we had to wake Blake up at 6:30pm because we were worried he was going to think that it was night time and keep sleeping - then be up from midnight or something horrible... (here's hoping he doesn't decide to do that!)
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