Much to Greg's distaste, we left Gladstone at 6:15am Saturday morning... although, it didn't bother him for too long - he got in the car and went back to sleep.... although, had to keep waking up to tell Jade to keep her feet off her DVD player else we were going to take it away....
Anyway, we arrived in Canungra around 2pm I believe and unloaded the kids from the car where we met up with Rob who had arrived early that day to claim camp grounds for us...
Due to Jade and myself not being 100% (got a cold with a nasty cough) - Rob, Jade and I got a hotel room in a "nearby" town for the two nights and Greg got to snug it up in the back of the Merc... although he was apparently quite comfy and rather toasty warm with my super temp sleeping bag and Rob's doona that he carries in the van with him....
Trials weekends are always great, but the Brisbane club ones are even better because of the amount of kids that there are running around, so Jade and Greg both got involved with playing Touch Football as well as soccer....

Jade started the afternoon playing soccer with this little guy... who turned out to be two months older than Jade.... that was a surprise and a half (he comes to about Jade's nose)...
Anyway, Jade got bored with him rather quickly and went to play with the big kids who seem to have more fun....

At this stage of the weekend Greg hadn't been hauled into any football games and he was quite happily avoiding them.... that didn't last long.....

Rob hanging out in the back of Mom and Dad's merc....
Frank and Shayne's tent - set up as the "Reserves Head Quarters"... Their theme for the trial was "Trials Denations Army (Reserve)" team.. so they got cammo netting and set up their tent, even with a little fence around the front to stop invaders... hehe

Greg finally being roped into playing, but he wasn't allowed to score any tries because he was so much bigger than the other kids......

Greg and his little fan "Whitney".... she really took a shine to him....

Comp - day 1: before everyone had taken off to compete, complete with face paint which I don't believe lasted longer than the first lap with them all sweating and rubbing their faces.... but they still looked grotty at the end of the day - and I guess that was the aim.... :)
All members with their cammo hats on as well.....
the bikes all cammo'd up too... Rob's bike is first in the line-up... we put black stockings over the mudguard and tank to cover the red... and then Mom covered it in Green and Yellow paint for the cammo touch... unfortunately it was still wet by the first day of the comp - so most of the paint is probably stuck to Rob's pants.... ahh... doesn't matter!!!

Shayne's bike had the best cammo, she stuck tape on it backwards so that the sticky stuff was on top and then stuck grass all over the bike... unfortunately this did mean that she took some of the paint off the guards and stuff when removing it... so that's a shame....
This is one of the other teams.... These guys and our guys were pretty much the only guys that really dressed up... There were other teams that wore matching t-shirts ... and another team called "Horny Devils" that stuck horns to their helmets... but really... these guys put in the best effort in relation to actual costume....
This is just proof that Shayne was really well cammo'd.... she blends in well in the photo - don't you agree?
Mechanical repairs on day 2.... (I think this was when they'd discovered that Dad's bike was leaking oil....)
Stacks on Uncle Frank.... (he is under there somewhere.... and you can see Jade in the black jacket with the stripes, there are also about 3 other kids in there somewhere.... maybe around the other side....)
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