Greg turned 16 today, apparently that now makes him more mature... *cough*cough*.... Anyway, this is a photo of the stuff we got him.... unfortunately pregnancy brain means that it doesn't really work so well at the moment.... so, it didn't occur to me that putting black gear on a black couch would affect the photo... hehe :) woops!!

Road Helmet, Road Boots (that are too small and have to changed), Road Gloves (with Kevlar Knuckles) as well as a school bag (which we hope will last more than one term at school.....he has been threatened!!!)
Anyway, we arranged earlier in the week (as long as Greg's helmet had arrived in time) that we'd go for a road ride out to Many Peaks ....
Shayne waiting to leave... excited at the idea of riding a chooky all the way to Many Peaks... (Insane!!!)
Jade and I waiting....
Rob & Greg ready to ride.... (Greg having been warned that if he even put a scratch on my bike while getting on and off - he would never sit on it again was very careful with my baby....)
Shayne on the chooky (This is the kind of bike I was riding when I was 11... not the kind of bike you want to be riding on an open highway....)

Frank on his TRX (Rob's old one)
Mom & Dad on the Beemer....
Unfortunately, Pregnancy + Toddler means that I wasn't able to ride out to Many Peaks... (although the fact that Rob and Greg were on my bike would have probably also caused a problem...)
Anyway, so we waited for Gran to get home from Church and then we headed out to Many Peaks in the Prado.... (I'm not sure that Gran would have been up for pillioning if Jade weren't an issue anyway, so someone would have had to take a car out!)
(Excuse the blurry photo... but it was the only one I took - so I blogged it!!)
This is where we sat at the pub... gotta love pub lunches... cost nothing and are huge... I only got about 1/2 way through my steak at most and then Greg had to finish it... he also finished Gran's meal as well as Jade's.... and he's stick thin... (gotta hate that!!)
Jade went straight to the kids play area when we got there, there were a few kids playing there nicely when we got there... unfortunately there was a horrid little chucky kid who thought the idea of having fun was pegging toys at the other kids... (to the point that kids were getting up and going back to their parents to get away from him.... Not Jade though.. she was just giving him evil stares...)
We got back from Many Peaks and had to head to Mom and Dad's place to drop the Storm off (not having a shed means that my bike lives there still - but that's ok!)
We stopped in at home to grab the cake out of the oven that I'd made earlier that day... and Jade insisted on helping me with the icing.... (there was heaps left over... and most of it finished up on her face.....)

I tried my best to do a "Greg 16" design with silver ball lollie things... but it was a rush job... and then jade accidentally tipped a container with hundreds and thousands - so I had to cover the cake in sprinkles too... didn't really matter though - cause the cake didn't last out the hour.... (Greg having eaten two pieces (and big pieces too!))

Jade also insisted on blowing out the candles... (complete with having to unwrap his presents in the morning....)

Oh yeah, and it was Mother's Day today too... unfortunately, this took a back stance, we'd only remembered it on Friday and Rob went out rushing shopping on Saturday to pick me up a waffle machine thingy... We had Mom, Dad and Gran over for waffles for breakfast before getting organised for the birthday motorcycle ride :)
We also managed to find a car for Greg on the way home too ... a 1989 Toyota Hilux Ute... it'll be a good first car... and he'll be able to put a trials bike on the back once he gets his license so that he can go to his friends places to ride on properties or whatever... I'll post pics once we pick it up... have to wait til Tuesday....
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