We didn't take any pictures of it, as it was getting late and I wanted to get home. But I found a similar one on Trading Post. Greg's isn't in anywhere as good nick as that, and the interior needs a good bit of TLC, but that's roughly what it's like. (Although Greg's _does_ have a Bullbar, which that one doesn't. It's pretty much a prerequisite of a car around here.)
FWIW: It's a 1989 RN85R Trayback Hilux 2WD Ute, with about 700,000km on the odometer. It's had a new engine put in it 'some time' ago. There's a problem with the brakes that the current owner is going to fix tonight.
It _might_ pass roadworthy. It's got some rust in the passenger door, above the window, but some bog and sanding will fix it. But it may be cheaper just to buy a new door from the wreckers.
Tomorrow (Monday) I'm off to Emerald, and then Tuesday I'll get Tharyn to drive me to Calliope to pick it up!
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