Saturday, 31 May 2008
Yay!!! She's back!!!!

Thursday, 29 May 2008
RIP Baby Chloe... a year on....
I was a bit worried last night that Rob wouldn't be home today as he was called away to Warwick last night - but drove into the night, slept and got there this morning - fixed their computers and got home at 6:30pm...
We all had dinner and then got everyone jacketed up and we headed out with Chloe's ashes to scatter them at a local dolphin lookout... Greg and Jade came with us too...
We then headed out for icecream.... which no one complained about :)
All in all, the day went well and I really think that we're all very well healed... :)
(Helps being nearly 16 weeks pregnant!!!)
Monday, 26 May 2008
Swimming again......
He wanted to play with the new lens.... don't ask me anything about it... I know it does a bigger range than both our last lenses.... (even though we still have the zoom lens cause it does go a bit further than the new lens) ... so he came to take photos... which means... yes.. you guessed it.... I'm in a photo!!! (not that this is such a good thing!!!! )

Sunday, 25 May 2008
Weezer Rocks
I'll link it here. Watch it, it's worth it.. And this is the new YouTube 'High Definition' format, so it's not all that pixel-y.
Now, the cool thing about this song is all the internet memes that are in it. I know MOST of them, so for anyone who's missed them, here they are. In order. I'm so lame 8)
Canon Rock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xjJXT0C0X4 which segues into
One Man Band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHwV2JuwZls
Numa Numa Guy (He appears a couple of times in the vid): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o - obviously this is refilmed.
Prarie Dog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sochd9Xqlos
Afro Ninja: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEtIoGQxqQs -- Note that in the original vid, the nunchucks go directly behind him, whilst in the Weezer vid, they go off to the left. It's a different vid, they didn't just grab it off the net.
Diet Coke and Mentos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKoB0MHVBvM - There's piles and piles of this throughout the vid, I won't mention them all the time.
Sunglasses onto Face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fufxw6qOjSQ which segues straight into...
Gay GI-Joe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z23ehBIecs
Most T-Shirts worn at the same time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6tlw-oPDBM
Afto Ninja (again)
Chris Crocker - Leave Britney Alone!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc
All your Base are belong to us: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qItugh-fFgg
Miss Teen Sth Carolina: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww - She waves the microphone around which turns into a light sabre:
Star Wars kid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPPj6viIBmU
Numa Numa guy (again! Woo!)
Crank That Soulja Boy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZE2OzguWHo
Evolution of Dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMH0bHeiRNg
Tay Zonday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA (He's in the clip a couple more times, too)
K-Fed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6RvngAZCcQ (...he's so awful)
Tay Zonday again..
Daft Hands: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2cYWfq--Nw -OR- it could be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyIC3Munnyw ... but I think it's meant to be Daft Hands. Not only because tt's much better, but also because Daft BODIES was the same song:
Daft Bodies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLYD_-A_X5E
T-Shirts (again)
Tay Zonday again..
Rainbow Socks Girl: http://youtube.com/watch?v=embdtwW-sSE
Afro Ninja again, but with some pwnage of his own this time!
Chris Crocker again, and again..
Tay Zonday again.
Shoes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCF3ywukQYA
Chris Crocker, again. Sigh.
Now we have a massive pan. The ones I haven't already mentoned are:
Worst Motion Capture Ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz2ADowyy1I (I -think- .. the colours are wrong, but it looks similar.) Three of them, dancing at the bottom right
Charlie the Unicorn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5im0Ssyyus (insanely funny, especially if you like southpark) Flashed up at the back in this scene, you also see the unicorn again later
Afro Ninja vs Peanut Butter Jelly Time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8MDNFaGfT4
Miss South Carolina with a 'Will it Blend' blender: http://www.youtube.com/user/Blendtec (note I link to their user page, and the 'top' video is them Blending a Weezer CD with a can of 'Pork and Beans'. Hah). She's also blending 'Maps'. Go watch the Miss Teen video.
That's it. I'm pretty proud of myself finding all the links, EXCEPT for one. D'oh!
Saturday, 24 May 2008
Parenting gone slightly ... well... sideways....
So Rob took her off to her bedroom and told her to come out when she was ready....
Rob didn't consider the fact that her bedroom light was off.... after a couple of minutes - Jade went silent... this isn't totally unusual as sometimes she decides that instead of screaming she'll just play with her jigsaws or something....
After about 10mins - Rob calls out "Jade, you can come out now if you want...." and nothing....
So I said "be funny if she's gone to sleep because the light is off...." then I went to check... sure enough - she was fast asleep....
Unfortunately she doesn't sleep through dry yet... so I had to go in and put a nappy on her... but she was already so far gone that she didn't even budge while I was putting her nappy on...
(and all of this is before 7pm.... Yay!!!!)
Careful on the Roads now!

Monday, 19 May 2008
A Big Week!!! (Happy now Dad???)
Anyway.... Thursday afternoon, after picking up Jade from school we went to Mom and Dad's place (as per usual) for a cup of tea (and yes, even Jade has tea in her butterfly mug.... (which used to be my mug when I was a kid))...
Dad had said that we couldn't visit that day, and he was wanting to work on his motorbike to get it ready to go riding on Sunday with everyone... and Jade is a distraction.... and of course she was... she got him into the sandpit to build sandcastles with her.... he builds - she destroys!

Saturday morning we headed over to Mom and Dad's place again.... (it's the place to be!!!) Mom was on the phone and Jade wanted to say hi... so she got the phone and said hi... but pretty much didn't say anything else... and I'm sure she confused the lady on the other end of the phone... so after she got off the phone... we grabbed the other phone and turned on the intercom between the phones so that Jade could talk to mom... and wasn't confusing nice little old ladies! :)

Saturday afternoon was fun.... Jade only had a little sleep... (only just over an hour....) so she was still a little on the cranky side.... (she's still getting annoyed at the cough she's got.. but she's definitely on the road to recovery).... Anyway, she found a CD marker... (nice and permanent...) and started drawing all over herself.....
Sunday morning we headed around to Mom and Dad's place (can't we find somewhere new???) to visit Mom and Gran before heading over to see Damian, Jaime & Xander (oooh - we're going somewhere new!!!!)...
Jade enjoyed reading her books with GG and Gran.....
and then by herself.....
We then headed to Jaime's place to go bicycle riding... we're hoping that Jade will pick up on the enthusiasm if she gets to go riding with Xander..... they kept swapping bikes the entire way around... Jade's bike is heavier than Xander's but apparently easier to pedal... but they both happily changed bikes - so it wasn't a drama....
After following the bike path around the duckpond we finally made it to the play ground... so Jade and Xander quickly ditched the bikes and helmets and hit the play equipment.... we stayed here for ages until Rob phoned to say that he and Greg were on their way home from riding trials and they offered to pick up hamburgers for everyone for lunch.....

After having lunch, we headed BACK to Mom and Dad's place so that Rob and Greg could work on doing up Greg's ute... there was a little more rust under the flooring than they had first expected... but nothing major.. so they took out the seats, ripped up the lining and went to work at cutting out the rust and bogging up the areas and then painting the rust killer stuff all over it... Greg seemed to enjoy working with the power tools... ehhe
While waiting for bog to dry... Greg practised balancing his scorpa.... (Now Rob's really annoyed - because he can't balance like that....)
Then we got out the unicycle... I quickly showed Greg how to get up on it... and then left him to work it out himself..... you can't really tell in this picture... but his feet are actually off the ground... unfortunately because he has skiis for feet - it looks like it's touching the ground... but it's not.... (but don't kid yourselves... he didn't get the hang of this by the end of the day... but he'll get there..... and yes, he'll work it out before Rob manages too... ehehe)

Wednesday, 14 May 2008
And it's here!
So. Greg now has a ute!
It's got a 4cyl, 2L Engine, so it should be reasonably economical to run. I put 20L of ULP into it last night, and it went from 'E' to just under half full. That leads me to think that it's got a 40L tank, but who knows how far out of whack the fuel gauge is in a 20 year old car 8)
There's a photo of the only rust I've been able to find, which is on the Passenger door, and it looks like I may have to go to Brisbane to pick up a door from a wrecker (sigh)
It also has the Jade seal of Approval. She thought it was great!
It's going down to Tharyn's parents place this afternoon, so we can start figuring out what's wrong with it and what needs to get fixed. The brakes are in need of some TLC, they grab very very violently when you stop. I locked up a tyre (don't know if it was front or back) 3 times bringing it back from Calliope (a 20 minute trip), so that'll have to be sorted out. It's also got what sounds like a bad bearing in the rear axle, but they're easy (if fiddly and time consuming) to replace. With those things fixed, and a new set of Tyres on it, it should breeze through roadworthy. Then we can buy some cheap paint, give it a new paintjob, and it'll be as good as new!
Oh, and it's only got 385,000km on it, and it had a new engine put in 100,000km ago, so he should get some good use out of it. He drove it a little bit around the backyard this morning. Whilst he's got the idea of clutches from riding the bike, he's still got to get used to using it, especially with the change from using his left hand to his left foot.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Greg's ute..
We didn't take any pictures of it, as it was getting late and I wanted to get home. But I found a similar one on Trading Post. Greg's isn't in anywhere as good nick as that, and the interior needs a good bit of TLC, but that's roughly what it's like. (Although Greg's _does_ have a Bullbar, which that one doesn't. It's pretty much a prerequisite of a car around here.)
FWIW: It's a 1989 RN85R Trayback Hilux 2WD Ute, with about 700,000km on the odometer. It's had a new engine put in it 'some time' ago. There's a problem with the brakes that the current owner is going to fix tonight.
It _might_ pass roadworthy. It's got some rust in the passenger door, above the window, but some bog and sanding will fix it. But it may be cheaper just to buy a new door from the wreckers.
Tomorrow (Monday) I'm off to Emerald, and then Tuesday I'll get Tharyn to drive me to Calliope to pick it up!
Happy 16th Greg!!!!

Jade and I waiting....

Shayne on the chooky (This is the kind of bike I was riding when I was 11... not the kind of bike you want to be riding on an open highway....)
Anyway, so we waited for Gran to get home from Church and then we headed out to Many Peaks in the Prado.... (I'm not sure that Gran would have been up for pillioning if Jade weren't an issue anyway, so someone would have had to take a car out!)

(Excuse the blurry photo... but it was the only one I took - so I blogged it!!)
This is where we sat at the pub... gotta love pub lunches... cost nothing and are huge... I only got about 1/2 way through my steak at most and then Greg had to finish it... he also finished Gran's meal as well as Jade's.... and he's stick thin... (gotta hate that!!)

We got back from Many Peaks and had to head to Mom and Dad's place to drop the Storm off (not having a shed means that my bike lives there still - but that's ok!)
We stopped in at home to grab the cake out of the oven that I'd made earlier that day... and Jade insisted on helping me with the icing.... (there was heaps left over... and most of it finished up on her face.....)

I tried my best to do a "Greg 16" design with silver ball lollie things... but it was a rush job... and then jade accidentally tipped a container with hundreds and thousands - so I had to cover the cake in sprinkles too... didn't really matter though - cause the cake didn't last out the hour.... (Greg having eaten two pieces (and big pieces too!))

Oh yeah, and it was Mother's Day today too... unfortunately, this took a back stance, we'd only remembered it on Friday and Rob went out rushing shopping on Saturday to pick me up a waffle machine thingy... We had Mom, Dad and Gran over for waffles for breakfast before getting organised for the birthday motorcycle ride :)
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Themed Team Trial weekend - Canungra

Rob hanging out in the back of Mom and Dad's merc....
Frank and Shayne's tent - set up as the "Reserves Head Quarters"... Their theme for the trial was "Trials Denations Army (Reserve)" team.. so they got cammo netting and set up their tent, even with a little fence around the front to stop invaders... hehe
Greg finally being roped into playing, but he wasn't allowed to score any tries because he was so much bigger than the other kids......
Comp - day 1: before everyone had taken off to compete, complete with face paint which I don't believe lasted longer than the first lap with them all sweating and rubbing their faces.... but they still looked grotty at the end of the day - and I guess that was the aim.... :)

This is one of the other teams.... These guys and our guys were pretty much the only guys that really dressed up... There were other teams that wore matching t-shirts ... and another team called "Horny Devils" that stuck horns to their helmets... but really... these guys put in the best effort in relation to actual costume....

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco
Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco..... so tha...

Saturday 19th November We headed into the city to attend the Ceremony between my cousin Jenna and her future husband.... It was a really lo...
Tuesday 18th January Now that Jade's in the "preppie" swimming classes, all of the girls appear to be wearing 1 piece togs......
Tuesday 8th July And because Rob and I LOVE travelling so much.... after I'd finished work on Tuesday - we got in the car and heade...