Sunday - 3rd October...
We headed to Mom and Dad's place about 8am to help with the final set-up....

Blowing up the jumping castle.....
(This was Jade's birthday present last year.... and it's been such a great thing to own)

Uncle Frank with Blake in the jumping castle....

Dad closing up the shed so that the kids couldn't get into anything other than the maze...
(that way, there was no danger with all the tools inside the shed)

Harry wasn't too sure what to make of the jumping castle...

Jade dressed up in her Princess Tiana Dress....
(Being a green themed party - we specially ordered this dress for Jade, you can't get it in Australia yet - so we were pretty safe in assuming that she'd be the only Princess Tiana at the party - good guess!)


My little Leprechaun....
(I wish I'd been able to buy this costume - it took forever to make.. especially covering the hat - and then for some insane reason - I didn't cover under the brim... so then it looked a bit silly...)

Xander as Ben10

Declan the Turtle...

Blake loves Declan.... he went running over saying "Dek-an... Dek-an....."
(he'll get it sorted eventually - his speech is coming along so quickly now... something has triggered!)

Melissa came dressed as Fiona from Shrek...
(Parties aren't just for the kids!)

and this was everyone's reaction to Melissa's costume.... :)

and in true Melissa style.... she went through the cardboard maze to get a Chupa-Chup :)

The jumping castle was a success.....

All of the kids were given Chupa-chups for going through the maze....
(easiest way to get rid of them!! ehehe)
(and they all had their hair spray painted green..... 4 cans of spray and we ran out!)


Blake came up looking to have his hair sprayed.... and even enjoyed a chupa chup....
(I wasn't sure that he'd get as involved in the party process)

Xander wanted a green beard....

Little Lucien with his green hair :)

Jade all sprayed and chupa chup equipped...

The sandpit was also a big hit of the party.... probably because it was nicely shaded....

Miss Emily....

Ava.... (you'll notice through the entry that she's a real poser... loves having her picture taken)

(Leah gave Jade a birthday card that she'd made herself and inside it, it said "You are my best friend! Love Leah" - - - it was so cute!)

Oh, Look.... a pic of me and both my kids.... yay....
Pity Jade wasn't pulling proper face!

Miss Emily again...

Rob all greened up and with a green beard....

The only pic I managed to get of Ethan S.

Ethan W.





Alanah & Johnica
(and Leah's sister - but I'm not sure her name...)



Pass the Parcel
(the only game we played on the day... and even then it was hard getting the kids to sit still for that - as soon as they'd opened a layer - they left and went back into the maze.... so the circle kept getting smaller and smaller)

Cardyn, Ava K. & Amy


Ava K, Amy, Jemma

Jemma won...

Jaime made the most amazing cake for Jade's birthday...


Blowing out the candles....
And by then it was midday.... I couldn't believe how quickly the morning went....
Alana, Sarah & Jaime (and family) hung around after the party which was great.... the kids were a bit warm - so we turned on the sprinkler and let them go nuts...... they all turned a lovely shade of green as the spray from their hair ran down their bodies - but they had a blast!

All in all it was a great party... all of the kids had a blast... and Jade had a great time....
I'm definitely glad that I do not do this every year though.... so every 5 years I'm willing to put in that kind of effort....
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