It was great to have Rob home for a trials comp for the first time this year.... he was supposed to make it to the other comp that I went to - but he got held back in Gladstone to fix the local bikeshop computers....
This weekend was take-2 on Mother's day - apparently - but Rob forgot.... (sorry - had to get that stab in there......)
The plan was to leave for Seeonee Park once Jade had finished Gymnastics..... no sooner had Rob and Jade left, they had driven back in the driveway... so soon in fact that I thought Rob had forgotten to take Jade..... apparently Gymnastics was cancelled due to some renovations they were doing (yeah, thanks for letting us know! - they apparently did a ring-around... but must have missed us - and the handful of other parents who were trying to go..... ) - - - Ok, whinge over.... it worked ok to have Rob back at the house - we got the rest of the stuff packed and then headed off.....
We ended up driving to Rocky in a little convoy... and not the usual "van Heerden" convoy that we're used to travelling in.... we had Ken Cutmore infront of us - and John Sophios behind us....
Dad, Frank and I went with Don Jones to check out the sections and put the section numbers on them... also to make any last minute tweaks.... only one change was made to a section that I wanted (which actually made it the only challenging section for C Grade for the trial.... is that bad to say that? oh well - this isn't the club site....)
It was nearly 3pm before we got started... the idea was to ride 2 laps or so on the first day and complete the trial the next day.... Dad, Rob and I took off together and rode the first lap.... I got through all sections without dropping a point... (which is highly unusual for me... but kinda goes to show what the sections were like.....) (oh, but Rob dropped 6 points in that lap... *giggle*) Dad had not had as good a first lap... he'd had a couple of 5's... but, if I'd been riding B-Grade - I probably would have dropped more...
We stopped back at camp for a quick drink and then headed off to do the second lap.... another clean lap for me....
So, little miss cocky-pants decides that we can finish the entire trial as laps were only taking 5mins to complete.....
Section 1 - Clean
Section 2 - Clean....
this is such a breeze....
Section 3 - the bike stalls - 5 Points!!! ARGH!!!! ARGH!!!! ARGH!!!!!
Section 4 - Now turned into little miss cranky pants, I missed a marker.... 5 Points!!! ARGH!!!! ARGH!!!! ARGH!!!!!
So, at this point I'm ready to head back to camp and call it a day... or pack up and go home... serious cranky pants..... Rob decides it's time to step in and calm me down.... (ok, so I'm a sore loser.... my parents keep reminding me of this, I'd hate to let them down!)
So, I calm down...
Section 5 - Clean
Section 6 - Clean
Section 7 - Clean
Section 8 - Clean....
got my mojo back.... ok - while I'm in the swing of things... I'm gonna finish..... Luckily that theory held true this time - and I managed to complete the next two rounds Clean....
Total Score = 10
Rob's total score = 15
Booo Yeah!!!!!
I'd been saying that I was just staying in C Grade long enough to get a first place..... I've never managed first place - except in inline hockey... and that was different - I was pretty much a natural at that.... Trials takes work - and an ability to not put on cranky pants.... I'm still learning that....
So, was super surprised to find out the following day that I'd managed to win.... and Rob came 2nd... :)
Anyway, back to the camping side of things.....
Blake spent as much time on the first day as possible on the bikes.... he didn't care who was riding it... or even if he knew them - he was trying his luck with everyone to go for a ride... he kept his helmet on all day on the off-chance that some sucker would come along and take him for a spin....
The boys chatting at the end of the day....
"Ooooh - Look!! here's a sucker!"
"Okey dokey, lets get going..... time's a wastin!"
Trials is what Dad's do best!
Jade was happy enough to sit and colour in....
and then she lost tooth #3.... (Finally!)
(The gum has settled down now (4 days later) and it's just so cute to see her toof-less)
Jade happily cooked everyone marshmallows....
(she's not interested in eating them - just cooking)
The Fire surrounding is a metal part from a cleaning machine used in the mines, it was the perfect idea for around the fire... Jade was able to actually lean on it and it was only warm not hot.... although I'm sure if she'd touched the metal down the bottom it would have been a lot warmer.... there was no concern about her tripping and falling onto the fire.....
And you all thought Rob was a nice guy....
he's EVIL... eeeeeeeeeee-VILLLLLLLLLLL!
Frank found a green tree frog... This is the first time Jade has actually taken an interest in them... usually she runs screaming and then refuses to use the toilets in fear of having one jump at her bottom.... (yes, we had about a year of camping trips where she'd refuse to use the toilets and we had to take a potty for her)
Then there were tears when it was time to let the frog go.....
This is the "I'm really not SO evil" Wobz.... :)
Some of the Casey Clan...
(he is sane.... a bit... ok - he may have had a few drinks at this point... or just been a little happy.... who can guess!?)
More of the Casey Clan...
Little Gummy-Jade....
This is a pic of Frank taken by Jade....
Apparently Montesa sleeves are better worn on the heads than on the arms.....
Do-It-Yourself Gnome kits!
We had a great night.... by the time we headed down to the fire, Blake was already fast asleep - and had been for over an hour.... didn't hear a peep out of him at all... and he didn't even wake during the night......
We really need to do something about the mattresses in the van... both Rob and I were complaining about the mattresses (and we sleep at opposite ends - he has Jade sleep with him else she'll roll out of bed, and I'm at the other end to deal with Blake if/when he wakes....) - so we'll have to do something about that before Brooweena...
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