Being a long weekend, everyone deserted me.... Rob was away (he's currently up in Townsville) - Mom, Dad and Frank went down to Brissy for a trials comp - Jaime, Damian and their boys were down at a wedding down south......
Luckily I caught up with Leeanne on the Friday night and I arranged to tag along with her and Caitie on a trip to Bundaberg to catch up with Rose, Troy and Jordon....
Jordon is 2 days older than Blake.... we've only managed to catch up once before when the boys were just under 3 months old..... (Blog Entry HERE)
(For those who are a little confused - I went to high school with Leeanne and Rose)

18mths and 1 day..... isn't he cute??


Blake found the dog kennel

and climbed in....





Even Jordon does the "oooh" face :)

Troy & Jordon

Blake can look through the top of his head - just like his sister.... (and mother)

Jordon went for the first ride on the Quad.....

Jade loved all the new toys to play with....

Jordon the rev-head

and this is the face you pull when Daddy takes someone else for a ride on the bike.....

It's so hard to get a pic of the two boys sitting still and facing upwards....

Caitie's turn...

Jade's turn, she loved it - but she was a bit nervous getting on a bike with no helmet or boots
(That's my girl!!!!)

She got over it though!

Blake did seem to enjoy it a bit - but was happy to get off the bike at the end of his ride, I don't think he's ever going to be a Quad Kid
(That's my boy!!!!! Two wheels all the way!!!!)

Rose & Jordon

Jade & Caitie found a quiet place to play DS

Blake came and made it a little less "quiet"

Then Jordon joined in stacks on....

The girls moved away - but Blake was still happy to throw himself around on the toy....

Then it was stacks-on the girls in the lounge.... (they just couldn't get a break!)

Then Jordon and Blake played stacks-on each other - and banged heads.....

Jade went to play with them - and Blake came flying out the side.....

Stacks-on Jade!

Troy cooked us Chicken Burgers for lunch....

Leeanne's had a bit much BBQ Sauce - but you get the idea....
We left at 3:30 when Blake was really beyond tired.... loaded the kids in the car and took off.... Blake was asleep within a couple of minutes and slept for about an hour and a half.....
Jade was asleep after an hour and then slept til we got back to town.....
Caitie happily played DS and watched movies the entire drive home.....
We got home just after 6pm - I got the kids fed and put into bed.... I was exhausted.....
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