After Blake woke from his sleep this afternoon, I took Jade out with her BMX with Jaime, Damian, Xander & Declan.... (Blake stayed at Gran and Grandpa's - so that I could try to get Jade riding her BMX)
Jade flatout refused to ride without training wheels, so they were put back on the bike - as *I* flatout refused to push her around on her bike til the end of time....

We were watching Xander ride around - full speed..... and of course, when you're watching - and not taking photographs.. that's when all the exciting stuff happens....
Xander went full speed around the turn.... .and didn't turn tight enough - and ended up going full speed over the concrete rise in the parking...... we expected him to come off and lose skin from every limb of his body.... but he managed to control himself and only put the bike down afterwards.....

Jade decided to ride up some curbs too!

After Jade got bored of the BMX - she then decided to run a lap of the circuit....

Who knows... maybe she'll be a cross country runner....

Jade got over riding the bike... and wanted to ride her scooter....

Really suits you Damo!

Happy little Declan... :)

He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.....
but cries when I hold him - which I figure is just payback from when Blake would scream when Damo would hold him, or touch him, or even go near him.....