Sunday, 23 May 2010

BMX Bandits....

After Blake woke from his sleep this afternoon, I took Jade out with her BMX with Jaime, Damian, Xander & Declan.... (Blake stayed at Gran and Grandpa's - so that I could try to get Jade riding her BMX)

Jade flatout refused to ride without training wheels, so they were put back on the bike - as *I* flatout refused to push her around on her bike til the end of time....

We were watching Xander ride around - full speed..... and of course, when you're watching - and not taking photographs.. that's when all the exciting stuff happens....

Xander went full speed around the turn.... .and didn't turn tight enough - and ended up going full speed over the concrete rise in the parking...... we expected him to come off and lose skin from every limb of his body.... but he managed to control himself and only put the bike down afterwards.....

Jade decided to ride up some curbs too!

After Jade got bored of the BMX - she then decided to run a lap of the circuit....

Who knows... maybe she'll be a cross country runner....

Jade got over riding the bike... and wanted to ride her scooter....

Really suits you Damo!

Happy little Declan... :)

He's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute.....
but cries when I hold him - which I figure is just payback from when Blake would scream when Damo would hold him, or touch him, or even go near him.....

Trials Morning - Deep Creek.....

We went out to Deep Creek for a practice ride today..... was great fun....

Angela trained the Chivers girls so that they can qualify for MA licenses and ride the Brisbane trials comps....

But the big note from the practice day was that we had as many women as men!!!!


Angela & Jessica



I jokingly told Sarah that she could take my bike for a ride.....
and she jumped the opportunity.... :)
After getting permission from her Mum, she took it for a ride....

Sam then took Angela's bike for a ride...

Ruh-Roh.... Mum's not too happy about this!!!

"I'm not watching!!!!"
She was quite happy for Sam to ride her bike....

Sarah on my bike.... she was quite impressed with the idea that on the bigger bikes you don't feel every rock in the creek crossing....

All of the girls own bikes got left and neglected....

Poor neglected bikes.....

Jessica on my 315

Raspberries for Blake.....

It is SO funny being a Puggle!


Group shot of the 5 girls!

Group shot of the 5 girls!
(it is SO HARD to get a group shot where everyone pulls the right face.... I thought this was only difficult with 4yr olds... but apparently not!)

Bathtime & Shampoo (with Purple!)

Saturday morning Jade woke up after the Fete..... I hadn't worried about bathing her that night because we got home late and by the time everyone left it was about 10pm or so - and I didn't really want to keep Jade up just to bath her and wash the purple from her hair... so I sent her to bed and just prayed that the pillow cases could withstand the purple hair spray......

I had to do Jade's hair for Gymnastics - and you could see purple all the way through it....

When it came to bath time, it turned to Shampoo time....

Jade wanted pics taken of Blake's mow-hawk....
("He looks like a cockatoo!")

Blake had other plans about his hair doo!

ahhh, the purple is coming out!

and yes, the water was a lovely shade of pink by the end of the bath.....

Friday Night - Gladstone West State School - Family Fun Night

(I do realise this post should have been before the visit from Thomas & Family..... but I'd forgotten that I had these pics on my iPhone!)

Friday night was the Gladstone West State School's family fun night.... we went this year as Xander is in Prep there.... I was all excited about getting Toffees like I used to look for at my own primary school fetes.... and they did have them... and I planned on going back to get some - and when I did - they didn't have any...

I guess that's the universe telling me I didn't need toffees? NASTY UNIVERSE!!!

The kids had a ball..... Xander had his hair spray painted Red and Jade wanted hers Purple...... you can't really see it in the photos... another time where I didn't have my camera with me.... and the iPhone camera really isn't as good as the DSLR....

(This kid has pretty much every second child we walked past going "Hey Xander!!!!" - Mr Popularity!)

Jade, Bailey, Blaze & Xander

Waiting in line for the giant blow-up Worm....

Back on the tea-cup ride....

Tsunami Ride....
(we'd queued for this earlier in the night but people kept shoving their kids infront - and it was taking way too long to get to the start of the queue - so we went to do the other rides first)

Jade and Xander on their final run down the slide....

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...