After a very restless night for myself (Blake wouldn't keep sleeping in the port-a-cot - he was a bit confused as to where he was - so he ended up sleeping in the bed with me for the night - tossing and turning for the entire night - so I didn't end up getting much sleep) we got up at 5am to find a camp full of cows.... (the joys of trials is that usually they're on large properties - and large properties = livestock...)

They even came right up to where we were camping... but this property is used a lot for motorbike events....

Blake did SO MUCH tossing and turning during the night that he woke with Bed hair....

Jade was so excited when she woke and saw all the cows.... then Rob and Dad took turns in walking around the property with Jade to look at the cows....

Blake wasn't interested in the cows... for him it was all about the fact that his bike was there...

Blake went meeting new people with Gran...

Jade played on the iPhone with Rob....
We'd discovered that we'd left the nappy bag in Gin Gin on the way down... so changing Blake had been "fun" to say the least... luckily I had nappies - I just didn't have wipes... so we had to go old school with cleaning him until the morning.... Frank, Jade and I headed to the closest town to get supplies....
On our way back we saw Rob on the road.. he flashed us and we pulled over to find out what was happening... and our local client (ie. all the way back in Gladstone - 430km away) had computer issues - so he had to head home to fix it.... so we weren't too sure when he'd be back or even if he'd be back.....

Blake the little mechanic with his "screw drivers" (aka sticks)

a few adjustments were obviously necessary... (Blake pretty much spent the entire weekend playing with his bike or crawling around in the stinging nettles - which we discovered AFTER his legs were covered in bumps....)

Jade was starting to perfect her colouring techniques.... although she's still all about using just one colour at a time.....
Every year at Conondale... people are talking about the hill climb... I've never actually gone to see it... this year I went to have a look... there was NO WAY anyone was going to convince me to even try this hill.... it's HUGE... it's STEEP... unfortunately it doesn't photograph to show the severity....

This ditch was stopping most people from getting up the hill....

Greg Paton was standing up the hill and ready to help when people came off at the ditch....

Frank taking off to head up the hill....

You may have to click on this photo to see... Frank is at the ditch part of the climb..

you'll definitely have to click to see Frank at the top... but he made it.... first for the day
(well - first for the people that were trying it while we were there....)

Looking quite proud of himself... on a borrowed 4RT....
(it seems that the only people that made it up the hill were people on borrowed bikes.... so we've put it down to people who aren't worried about ruining someone else's bike - but too afraid to ruin their own!)

The end of the day meant bath time for the kids... Mom bathed Blake in one of her tubs... and yes, that water is brown purely from Blake.... I ended up taking Jade in the new showers that have been built (which beats the one shower that was in the house that people had to queue hours to get into in prior years....)

The new showers.... there was barely a queue for these... so that made life easier.... :)

complex instructions on shower operations....

Everyone starting to queue for dinner.... we had a great evening... Blake went down really well and Jade ended up passing out in Mom and Dad's van and then I had to transfer her to the caravan and get her into her pj's..... (well her pj pants... was going to wake her too much to change her t-shirt)
I went to bed with high hopes of a decent night's sleep... only to be disappointed... Blake was up from midnight til 2:30am... again - it was due to the surroundings... at home I would have got up - given him a bottle and put him back in the cot and turned the projector on... but no projector down there... so I had to put some episodes of Dora on the iPod for him to watch until he got tired....
up again at 5:05am.... JOY! he could have at least slept in from being up all night... but no no no - he wouldn't do that! :)
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