(I'm a bit behind in my blogging... this is all I have the energy for tonight)....
Friday straight after work we headed off for Conondale (this is a yearly event - but we missed it last year because Blake was only a few days old... wasn't good timing)
Anyway, we're back to doing Conondale again... so yay!!! This year was my first for competing there and I was very excited to be leaving.....
On the way down we stopped at Tiaro to meet up with Rob on his way there (he'd been in Bundy all week... and the whole week before (but he had come home and spent an entire 33hrs at home in between... heh)
Anyway, there was a really nice park there... so we let the kids run loose....

Blake loved the sand, he was sitting there picking up the sand and watching it fall in the breeze... fascinating apparently!

and as expected, Jade loved the park equipment....

Happy little guy.... (happy to be out of the car...)

Free "gym" equipment at the park... we've got a set up in Gladstone that I still haven't gone to have a look at - it's all just non-electrical equipment... but there's a big van parking area down from the park - so I imagine it's good for people travelling around....

down the fireman's pole!

Grandpa and Gran's joint effort at feeding Blake dinner....
(and Grandpa was making Train noises.... only train works though - not aeroplane!)

And now Blake is making train noises!
Rob met up with us and we did the final 130km or so of the trip... we were 30mins out of Conondale and I had both kids going off in the car (unfortunately travelling as the only person in the car - means that I can't just turn around and pass the kids stuff to keep them amused...) - they were both asleep after about 15mins of that... and were still sleeping for ages once we arrived in Conondale....
Unfortunately it was too dark to get pics of setting up etc... so you'll just have to picture it....
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