After Blake's morning sleep yesterday we headed off to pick up Smack's sons (Chris & Callum) and headed off to the Bellingham Maze....
the entrance has a "Magic" waterfall... basically it opens up and you have 40 seconds to get through before it starts pouring again... so we're all very clever - no one got wet....

Smack, Chris & Callum


The tables had puzzles all over them, even ones that Jade could do....

Even Blake had a try.... :)

Smack decided to eat his lunch like a big girly man.... with knife and fork....

Rob's face when i said that we weren't going to go to some cheese factory...
(yeah yeah, I warned him not to pull the face.... you wanna pull silly faces you're gonna get blogged!)

they had mini-mazes before you get into the big maze...

This is a race game... you tie yourself to a colour rope and you have to follow your colour all the way back to your tree....

Callum won....

The view of the maze from the top...

Jade was the leader for our group.....
(so, it did take us a while)

Rob had to try to push Blake through... the gravel walkway made it a little hard....

6 of the 7 dwarves were inside the maze - you had to find them all...

The fountain in the middle of the Maze....
(as you can imagine - the boys beat us)

Got excited when we found a "clue" on the way out....

we were disappointed... that was no help!

Smack's new girlfriend... :)

Jade went to check out Snow White's house...

Callum & Chris...

Smack and his boys... :)

Blake was worn out by the end of the day... he missed his afternoon sleep....

heading out after having finished the maze....

Bird Aviary on the way out....