This is the one show that we're determined to not miss... it's a nice old country type show.... this time last year we broke the D80.... well when I say "we" I mean Rob... hehe - he was picking up Jade and smooshed it into her head and it didn't work again... luckily it was under warranty.. but now I'm careful about letting him hold the camera.. ehehe
Anyway, we did the usual walking around - checked out the stalls - nothing too exciting there...
We then went to check out the "Baby Animals" shed... Jade loved it in there... ducks, a miniature horse, lots of puppies, chickens, fluffy chickens, noisy roosters, guinea pigs - etc etc... Jade was telling us that she wanted us to buy her a horse... luckily there were none for sale.. hehe
I then left Rob and Jade watching the horse jumping for a while so that I could go and find everyone lunch... (the food selection this year was a little disappointing - either that or I looked in the wrong place.... we ended up having to have hot dogs...) I gave Blake his lunch and then attempted to get him to drink his bottle (surprisingly the boiling water I'd brought - I'd managed to wrap it up well enough that it was just the perfect temperature when it was time to make his bottle....)
Then we went walking to see the cows (another fascination of Jade's)....

She loves patting them... (and don't worry - that spinner that Jade is holding is about 12" away from the cow - so it wasn't about to eat it.... )

Blake dozed off with his teething rusk in hand....

Wobz got a new QLD hat... I'd been meaning to get him something as he can't wear caps or anything (big head...)

This Bull was just gorgeous.... I think Jade would have happily snuggled up and gone to sleep with it if we'd let her.... took a bit to drag her away from him....

As we kept walking - we ran into Shayne... Jade ran straight up for cuddles...

Blake was very happy with his balloon....

he spent the entire trip home jiggling at the string and watching it bounce around...
(unfortunately when we got home it flew out the window - never to be seen again)
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