I really want to get Jade riding her bicycle again.... she was doing really well - nearly didn't need assistance to ride without training wheels... then after Blake came along it all went backwards... we now have training wheels back on her bike to try to get her interested in actually pedalling for herself as she came to the conclusion that we were there to push her around.....
So I'd been thinking of a way to get her interested in riding again... but pushing Blake in his pram and getting Jade to ride wasn't going to do it... she's not easily coerced into these things...
So, we got Blake a bike of his own... this way I can push him around and she'll hopefully want to ride her bike again...

The trike is a 3 stage one, he's currently in a sling type seat that stops him falling down the front... and once his feet can reach the footrests he'll be a bit more comfortable....
Once he's big enough, we take the sling out and he can sit on the seat but with the bars around his waist to stop him falling off the sides.... once he's big enough we can take the bars out and he can just sit on the seat... by which stage he should be able to reach the pedals on the front wheel....
He'll use this bike until he's big enough to get onto Jade's first bicycle which was a red two wheeler with training wheels and a push handle....

"Look, I can play with my Lizard and still ride.... Yay me!!!"

"Look Dad, I can wheelie NO HANDS!!! - Beat that!!!"
Then it was home for bath time.... looks like the sandies were out in force.... (only two dots left this morning....)

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