Uncle Frank came and stole Blake as soon as we arrived (well - he wrenched him off Mom)....

Frank's attempt at drinking it up... (I think there's pretty much that much left in the bottle now - he's such a booze hound! hehe --- oh and the red face is from riding the motorbike - not from the booze)

Mom & Dad

Our car was the hit of the evening with the kids... Jade's DVD player was in the back and they were watching various movies....
In the usual course of the evening, various awards were given out.... Rob received a "Child Abuse" award... long story short: earlier in the year we went off to the Mt Larcom Show - Rob had the camera around his neck and went to pick up Jade... the camera smacked into her head - which managed to break the camera... So she has a t-shirt that she wears to tell people that he beats her up with Cameras....
Mom and Dad got an "Empty Nest" award... this was because they're finally - after 38yrs of marriage - child free in the house (with Frank having moved out of home last week)... so they got some Barbie's that will help them to remember what you get to do when you're home alone... (lets just hope Gran doesn't have to listen to the toys going off in the middle of the night... )
There's a machine in there that gets them doing their special actions.... (Jade found this on the Sunday and wanted to play with it - so it had to be "put away".... so she then spent the afternoon looking for these dolls....)

At the end of the evening (around 11:30pm) - all of the kids were asleep in one location or another... around 9pm Jade had asked to go and have a lie down... luckily we'd pre-planned this and had taken the mattress out of the port-a-cot - and had that set up in the back of the prado - so Jade slept in there...

Oh, and even Blake got recognised during the course of the evening... He has his first set of bike plates... (he'll have to wait until Jade is ready to hand over the Oset... we figure we've got a few years before that'll be an issue....) He was also the coverboy for the wine bottle labels this year...
1 comment:
hi Guys,
I'm sure you know this, but your life is sweet :) gorgeous family around, fun events etc.
Have a great week.
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