We decided that we'd need to wake Blake so that he could have a decent feed yesterday afternoon - he'd spent the day with his temp down at about 35.4 (definitely not the hot baby that Jade was (we had to keep her in short sleeved legless body suits else she was over heating...) and Blake has to be wearing a singlet or a body suit under his jumpsuit and he's still not warm enough) - we wanted to get him nice and warm and keep him that way... but because he'd been so cold - all he wanted to do was sleep.... so we had to fix that! and fix it we did!!!
The nurses said to make it quick so that he didn't get too cold... and I think Blake was glad that it was a quick bath....
When he was born he was 4220g... then when we bathed him on day three he was 3800g - which is the 10% loss that they expect.. but we weren't happy with that.... we weighed him again yesterday and he was 3850g - so he's starting to chunk up again... (he's still so much smaller than Jade who only dropped to 4100g (or so) by the end of our stay in hospital (from her 4365g at birth)

Mom and Dad came up in the afternoon again and brought Jade up... we didn't get photos of Jade with Blake - but we did get some video footage - so we'll upload that when we get around to it.... (it's hard enough editing pics on a laptop in hospital - I'm not about to start trying to do the videos too!!)
(Mom "the legend" also brought up some polar fleece wraps so that we could keep Blake warm - and these seem to have done the trick over the hospital wraps.... we'd previously had to use 4 of the hospital wraps and all you could see in the crib was this pile of wraps and occassionally a hand would poke above them....)
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