Anyway, so he got home Friday night - which was a great shock for Jade on Saturday morning... unfortunately with the excitement of Daddy being home comes the bigger upset anytime he leaves the house - even if it's just to get something out of the car....
He's gone again now, up to Mackay today, but he should hopefully be home tomorrow.... which means I may be able to drag him to Rocky on Wednesday for my next Ante-Natal visit... although - not as exciting as next wednesdays trip to rocky for my Morphology Scan... and there's a note on the appointment saying to take a CD in if we want images... so that'll be fantastic :) so far I've only got X-Rays from the local guys... and even then, none of them have been fantastic for getting a pic of the baby to show people... so hopefully we can put something on the net that is worth viewing :)
Anyway, Saturday morning - Jaime, Damian & Xander came over on their way to a NAB Fund Raising event to drop Nikki back home... (their cat was attacking her, so she's back with us.....) Jade got upset when Xander was about to leave, so Jaime offered to take Jade with them.... They were only gone about an hour and a half or so - and brought Jade back just in time for her to become feral.. .ehehe.. just that time of day :) (she's really fighting against the whole having to sleep concept at the moment)
Jaime & Damian were invited to a Fund Raising Dinner on the Saturday night so they asked if we could have Xander for the night... so we took him with us to Mom and Dad's for dinner (Mom cooked a roast... YUMMO!!) As we were getting to the end of dinner, both kids got to "feral" status - so we left and got them both ready for bed... they were amazingly both in bed and asleep by 7:20pm... a record for both for recent times... so I was happy with that :)
They were both up again at 6:30 Sunday morning... so we got up and made Pancakes... got them down and then went outside to play soccer and various other "throwing the ball" type games... the trampoline got another workout, although I fear that Jade is getting too big for it now, we'll look into getting a new one at some point... although, until the yard is completed 100%, there's no real point in filling the yard with play equipment that she doesn't get to use too often...

While they were busy doing that, Rob, Greg and I pulled down the Cat Run (renovations = things need to be removed - the Washing Line needs to be taken down because that is where the new shed will go, which means we need to build a new washing line along the back of the house where the cat run was..... ) The cats seemed a bit confused when they walked into what was their cat run and were able to just keep walking into the outside world... But they've all been outside cats for quite a while now - so it wasn't like a big adventure escape... it just means that if one of the cats needs to be kept inside for any reason (like Nikki last year with her car accident) - then they'll actually be trapped inside without any outside access.....
After all of that, we headed around to Mom's place and picked her up - then we went to the markets (Mom, Jade, Jaime & myself) - Xander and Damian went to the park and Rob and Greg went out on the motorbikes for a play around... So everyone had a busy Sunday :)
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