We'd said that they'd have to leave by 9am because we were needing to leave for the show by 9:15.. When we got up in the morning - we asked Greg again if he wanted to come out - and I think honestly, he was just too tired... so he stayed home and a couple of the guys ended up hanging out here for the rest of the day as well as going fishing down the road (proof was in the fact that they were muddy - not the fact that they actually caught anything!)
Anyway, so we headed off to the show to have a look around... not a Sydney type show or anything, this was a true country show... but it also had a couple of rides to keep the kids happy.. as well as show bags....
Jade had never been on a "real" merry go round before, she's been on the ones in the shopping centres - but they're REALLY slow and not nearly as big.... but she enjoyed it... although at times you'd wonder... she was concentrating so hard on holding on that she was forgetting to smile... until we called her - then we got the "HERE's your smile!!!" fake smile.. :)
After we left the Merry Go Round - we kept walking... to see what else was happening... we then found a lady who was singing country songs... but the thing that got the attention was the fact that she had a pile of instruments for the kids to grab so that they could play along with her.... Jade thought this was fantastic... and dragging her away at the end of the lady's segment was the difficult task.... We were there really early, she had a lot more kids playing after lunch - but this was only about 10:30 and the majority of the crowd hadn't shown up yet....

The next band to set up was the Gladstone Thistle Pipe Band... the good thing about being from a small town is that you always know someone... the drummer is Mak who rides trials with us... Jade loves him to pieces... I'm not sure if it's his beard or the fact that I'm sure he's really eager to become a grandfather.... Although, Jade wasn't too sure about the fact that he was wearing a skirt.... she didn't try looking up it though.. :)
We did a lot more walking around... we went to see the horses doing dressage as well as jumping... then there were also a lot of cows on display... I guess living in the Beef Capital means that our cows have to be good - because we are making the best beef.... but OMG.. you should have seen how big some of these bulls were... the ones back came up to this guys shoulder... (and the guy would have been Rob's height at least...) - but such beautiful animals... Jade thought they were fantastic.. until they started making noises... then she was a little unsure...We then went off to watch this one horse event - I'm not sure what it's called (not being a real horsey person myself... and with Shayne being out there all weekend - I can't ask her... she's too busy riding) - but basically there are 5 flags set up on top of poles and the riders have to race around each pole pick up the flat and bring it back to a bucket - then head out to the next flag.. Jade loved this event...
Unfortunately, after about an hour of being at the show she was saying "and I'd like THAT horse...." and trying to explain to a 2.5yr old that she can't have a horse because we'd have no where to keep it is a difficult concept... she has my little ponies at home and they live in her bedroom.. so where's the problem?? heehe... she'll have to ride Shayne's when she gets older...
Unfortunately, after this event we had a bit of an accident with the camera... (Involving Jade's forehead - which is ok today) But, the point of the comment is that it no longer takes photos... or when it does - they're black - so we're going to have to send it back to Nikon and get it fixed... (Luckily it's still under warranty..)I was hoping to get a pic of Jade with her Fairy outfit... I bought her a "The Fairies" showbag.. with wings, a mask, slippers, a plastic glass, a school bag, a fairy skirt... unfortunately she noticed a lack of a wand in there... but luckily when Mom and I went for a walk to look around the market stalls - we found a wand for her for $3... so we got that too.... but she's very happy with her showbag... I was surprised at the price of it... $22... and when you consider what you'd pay for a school bag alone... and it seems to be reasonable quality too!
Anyway... gotta spend today doing laundry... lucky me!!!
1 comment:
Gorgeous pictures :D, hope your camera gets fixed soon
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