Friday, 27 June 2008
She's seen the pics of Puggle and is going around telling everyone that her baby "brudda" is in Mommy's tummy.... and he's going to be a penguin...
took me a few minutes to work out what she meant - but because the scan pics are all black and white - this is how she's come to that conclusion...
Very over active imagination... :) She keeps us amused!
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Puggle Pics....

Monday, 23 June 2008
Ahhh... 2yr olds... (or is that ARGH!?!?!?!?!)
I was busy doing laundry - so Rob had Jade down in his office watching Dora on her computer... I came in and she stood up on her chair:
J - "I don't have on any undies Mommy!"
M - "umm.... *checks*.... why not????"
J - "I did wees!!!" (check again.. she's not wet... so she hadn't had an accident)
M - "So where did you put your undies????"
J - "I flushed them!"
M - "excuse me?"
J - "Down the toilet!!!"
She was so proud of herself... we had to go upstairs to check to make sure she was actually telling the truth... and yup... undies were no where in sight.... and Rob says "So, where are your undies??" and she lifts the toilet seat and says "in there!" - they were gone....
Rob could barely keep a straight face... but now when we put undies on her she goes "you don't put undies in the toilet and flush them... is that right mommy??" "yes Jade...."
We figured that was pretty much all the entertainment we were going to get for the day.... Dinner was a little later than usual... it was nearly 6:15 - and for the entire week we'd pretty much eaten around 5:30-6pm depending on Greg's work or football training...
So Jade came into the kitchen....
J - "is it dinner toime??" (and yes... she says it real kath-n-kim style...)
M - "not yet Jade... in a few minutes... I'm just cooking the potatoes"
J - "hrmpf!!"
so I went off to do something - or check on something or other.... I come back into the kitchen... and Jade has gone into the cupboard, taken out two weetbix and placed them in a bowl with her spoon, and grabbed a bottle of milk and put it next to the bowl- ready for someone to come along and put milk and sugar on for her...
(She ate both her weetbix - and all of her dinner... and probably some of ours.... we think we're about to discover a growth spurt... she's eating like Greg at the moment!!!)
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Mt Larcom Show....
We'd said that they'd have to leave by 9am because we were needing to leave for the show by 9:15.. When we got up in the morning - we asked Greg again if he wanted to come out - and I think honestly, he was just too tired... so he stayed home and a couple of the guys ended up hanging out here for the rest of the day as well as going fishing down the road (proof was in the fact that they were muddy - not the fact that they actually caught anything!)
Anyway, so we headed off to the show to have a look around... not a Sydney type show or anything, this was a true country show... but it also had a couple of rides to keep the kids happy.. as well as show bags....
Jade had never been on a "real" merry go round before, she's been on the ones in the shopping centres - but they're REALLY slow and not nearly as big.... but she enjoyed it... although at times you'd wonder... she was concentrating so hard on holding on that she was forgetting to smile... until we called her - then we got the "HERE's your smile!!!" fake smile.. :)

The next band to set up was the Gladstone Thistle Pipe Band... the good thing about being from a small town is that you always know someone... the drummer is Mak who rides trials with us... Jade loves him to pieces... I'm not sure if it's his beard or the fact that I'm sure he's really eager to become a grandfather.... Although, Jade wasn't too sure about the fact that he was wearing a skirt.... she didn't try looking up it though.. :)
We did a lot more walking around... we went to see the horses doing dressage as well as jumping... then there were also a lot of cows on display... I guess living in the Beef Capital means that our cows have to be good - because we are making the best beef.... but OMG.. you should have seen how big some of these bulls were... the ones back came up to this guys shoulder... (and the guy would have been Rob's height at least...) - but such beautiful animals... Jade thought they were fantastic.. until they started making noises... then she was a little unsure...We then went off to watch this one horse event - I'm not sure what it's called (not being a real horsey person myself... and with Shayne being out there all weekend - I can't ask her... she's too busy riding) - but basically there are 5 flags set up on top of poles and the riders have to race around each pole pick up the flat and bring it back to a bucket - then head out to the next flag.. Jade loved this event...
Unfortunately, after about an hour of being at the show she was saying "and I'd like THAT horse...." and trying to explain to a 2.5yr old that she can't have a horse because we'd have no where to keep it is a difficult concept... she has my little ponies at home and they live in her bedroom.. so where's the problem?? heehe... she'll have to ride Shayne's when she gets older...
Unfortunately, after this event we had a bit of an accident with the camera... (Involving Jade's forehead - which is ok today) But, the point of the comment is that it no longer takes photos... or when it does - they're black - so we're going to have to send it back to Nikon and get it fixed... (Luckily it's still under warranty..)I was hoping to get a pic of Jade with her Fairy outfit... I bought her a "The Fairies" showbag.. with wings, a mask, slippers, a plastic glass, a school bag, a fairy skirt... unfortunately she noticed a lack of a wand in there... but luckily when Mom and I went for a walk to look around the market stalls - we found a wand for her for $3... so we got that too.... but she's very happy with her showbag... I was surprised at the price of it... $22... and when you consider what you'd pay for a school bag alone... and it seems to be reasonable quality too!
Anyway... gotta spend today doing laundry... lucky me!!!
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Spa Time.....
Anyway, to convince Jade to let us spray the shampoo/conditioner out of her hair (instead of using a cup) - we have to let her wash our hair... (this applies to Rob too if he gets bath duty on a Monday night....)
Well, last night - she washed my hair - and then had to wash BedTime Bear's hair too.... (This is a toy that is not supposed to live in the bath - yet he does...) So, I left her with the shower nozzle just spraying out a bit of water and left her to play....
I asked her to turn the water off (little miss independance wont let anyone do something she can do herself....) - she didn't want to... but I finally got her to... so after washing her hair, my hair and BedTime Bear's hair - the bath was full over the fixtures....
so I said "oooh..... we can turn on the spa.... what do you think???" ..... "Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!" (she doesn't like the noise so much) - so I convinced her to sit up on the ledge while I turned the water on - and made sure that it wasn't pushing air through - as this is what makes the majority of the noise....
I then explained that the water coming out was just like it is in Gran's pool.... oh... well that made it alright then... so, she then slid back into the bath.... then I had a problem convincing her that bath time was over.....

(let's just hope that she doesn't start wanting the spa on everytime she gets in the bath... she didn't ask for it tonight - so we may be ok)
Monday, 16 June 2008
Stranger in the House!!!
Anyway, so he got home Friday night - which was a great shock for Jade on Saturday morning... unfortunately with the excitement of Daddy being home comes the bigger upset anytime he leaves the house - even if it's just to get something out of the car....
He's gone again now, up to Mackay today, but he should hopefully be home tomorrow.... which means I may be able to drag him to Rocky on Wednesday for my next Ante-Natal visit... although - not as exciting as next wednesdays trip to rocky for my Morphology Scan... and there's a note on the appointment saying to take a CD in if we want images... so that'll be fantastic :) so far I've only got X-Rays from the local guys... and even then, none of them have been fantastic for getting a pic of the baby to show people... so hopefully we can put something on the net that is worth viewing :)
Anyway, Saturday morning - Jaime, Damian & Xander came over on their way to a NAB Fund Raising event to drop Nikki back home... (their cat was attacking her, so she's back with us.....) Jade got upset when Xander was about to leave, so Jaime offered to take Jade with them.... They were only gone about an hour and a half or so - and brought Jade back just in time for her to become feral.. .ehehe.. just that time of day :) (she's really fighting against the whole having to sleep concept at the moment)
Jaime & Damian were invited to a Fund Raising Dinner on the Saturday night so they asked if we could have Xander for the night... so we took him with us to Mom and Dad's for dinner (Mom cooked a roast... YUMMO!!) As we were getting to the end of dinner, both kids got to "feral" status - so we left and got them both ready for bed... they were amazingly both in bed and asleep by 7:20pm... a record for both for recent times... so I was happy with that :)
They were both up again at 6:30 Sunday morning... so we got up and made Pancakes... got them down and then went outside to play soccer and various other "throwing the ball" type games... the trampoline got another workout, although I fear that Jade is getting too big for it now, we'll look into getting a new one at some point... although, until the yard is completed 100%, there's no real point in filling the yard with play equipment that she doesn't get to use too often...

Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Greg's first work experience

Anyway, the first day seems to have gone well for Greg... I imagine he'll be getting up a bit later tomorrow morning... Poor kid only got home at about 5:15pm (so nearly 11hrs after heading off) - got showered - had dinner and headed to KFC to work his night shift at 6pm (luckily he's only working til 9:30... so he at least wont be AS tired as he could be... although - I don't imagine he'll be hitting the computer today - and if he does... it wont be for long!)
He enjoyed his first day, they worked in a shed for some of the day, and then a big tractor was playing up on a building site - so they had to travel out there to fix it... I think this all has him keen to return tomorrow...
The reason he was so oily and smelly was due to putting down an engine and it spitting up a stack of oil all down his left hand side and over his face.... apparently he washed a fair amount of it off... so I'm glad I didn't see the initial mess.... :)
Long weekend......(lots of pics)
Well, that wasn't the case on Saturday, Jade went into the room and was nice and quiet - and Mom went to check on her after and hour and Jade was awake and went "can we go to play park now???" - so they went off and had icecream and went to the park, then they dropped the feral home :)
My friend Jason (old Sydney mate) had said that he and his daughter Sienna would come up over the weekend, but on Saturday he messaged to say that he hadn't been able to leave that day and that he'd try to head up on the Sunday....
Jaime called me on Sunday morning to see if I was interested in going to the local basketball courts with the kids to let them play... Jaime & Damian went and bought the kids a ball each (thanks guys - she loves her princess ball) and off we went... the kids loved running up and down the court and throwing the balls around... I think it was only adults that managed to get balls through the nets....

Wednesday, 4 June 2008
I don't think I've ever slept so badly as I have this pregnancy... last night I remember waking up at 12:05, 12:59, 2:20, 3:15, 5:05 and I finally decided to give up at 5:28 when I hauled myself out of bed.... lets hope it gives me bigger gaps than that when it arrives!!
I'm just so glad that I'm not working, else I'd be sleeping at my desk during the day - I'm sure!
Monday, 2 June 2008
Trials - Waterson's - 1st June
Rob managed to do 1.5 laps and then went up a hill in a section - and on the way down he didn't brake when he needed to - and when he did get his hand on the brake - he gave it too much and went A over T and then A over T and then A over T some more....
Basically he came rolling down the hill, grazed his back and landed in a heap on his hip at the bottom.... and in amongst all the rolling - apparently the bike landed on him at least once also... (and I bet no one got it on video either! - that would be worth money to the funniest home videos people!!!)
Unfortunately, due to the fact that it was raining all day yesterday - I didn't get down into the creek to get photos... so I've got nothing to post... Sorry about that!
And as much as I'd offer to take a pic of Rob's butt... I'm sure no one wants to see it ;)
Anyway, to report on Rob, he's still hobbling around... last night you would have sworn he was about to die... but he's pulled through and has decided that he hasn't broken his hip...
Jade had swimming this morning and now I'm just waiting for her to doze off in her bedroom.... I think she may have found something to play with that is stopping her from sleeping... I may have to go and sort that out!
That's all folks!!
Sunday, 1 June 2008
20 things about my kiddos...
1. My name is: Jade Olive
2. My first word was: Mum-Mum (at 7.5 months - not sure if she really knew what she was saying at the time though) the first "Real" word was "Hello!" at just over 8 months
3. My favorite food right now is: Weetbix and Nuggets
4. My favorite song is: On Top of Spaghetti
5. My car seat color is: Dark Blue
6. My room color is: White with Pooh, Dora, Disney Princess and Alphabet wall stickers
7. I love to use this kind of shampoo: Dora the Explorer Shampoo & Conditioner
8. The thing that can make me the maddest is: Not always being allowed to help out
9. My favorite person right now is: Ollie (Boyfriend at school)
10. I like to read this book over and over and over: Little Miss Bad
11. My brand of diapers is: Baby Love (with Wiggles pictures - only for night sleep though)
12. The cutest thing I say is: I so love you mommy!!
13. My favorite fruit is: Watermelon
14. When I get hurt I want: Mommy
15. I mostly ride around in a: Prado
16. I go to bed at: 7:30pm
17. I wake up at: 6am on the dot
18. My naptime during the day is: 1pm
19. My most favorite thing to do is: Play with My Little Ponies
20. My favorite show/movie is: My Friend's Tigger & Pooh (new CGI version)
I now tag: Nat & Penny
February - Slumber Party Roller Disco
Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco..... so tha...

Saturday 19th November We headed into the city to attend the Ceremony between my cousin Jenna and her future husband.... It was a really lo...
Tuesday 18th January Now that Jade's in the "preppie" swimming classes, all of the girls appear to be wearing 1 piece togs......
Tuesday 8th July And because Rob and I LOVE travelling so much.... after I'd finished work on Tuesday - we got in the car and heade...