Monday, 19 December 2011

Pre-Wedding Swim.......

((I would like to start this post by pointing out that this is blog post #1001 - - - Yay me!!! I've been a busy little blogger.....))

Saturday 19th November....

We got up early and all Jade wanted to do was head down to the pool and go for a swim....  So, Rob took her down...  Blake didn't want to swim as he wanted to stay with me... (he wasn't very happy because of his sore toe... and on the Friday night in the cabin he'd fallen off the top bunk and smacked his ear on the desk in the room on the way down.. so he was a bit on the grumpy side....)

(sore toe for those who don't follow us on Facebook was due to a spider bite he'd got on his toe which was all kinds of nasty....  and his toe was all strapped up so that we could get him into shoes for the wedding)

Anyway, back to the blog.... So Jade went down with Rob.... and the good thing about a kids pool is that the adults don't need to go in... so Rob happily sat on the chair lounges and took pics - - - (Although, these aren't ALL his pics)

The kids pool in this caravan park was amazing... we're definitely going to stay here again if we have to head to Brisbane for anything... it's brilliant....

So at this point we stop to pay respects to Rob and his photo abilities.... he does get nice pics when he puts his mind to it....  everything from here on is back to my happy-snappy ways....

After a while Blake decided he wanted to go in the pool too.... so he went in - fully clothed.... so we managed to get him out and get him stripped down to his jocks... and he was happy enough with that...

This pic reminds me so much of Frank when he was the same age.....


After a while Blake decided he was cold -so it was time to head back to the cabin and start thinking about getting ready for the wedding......

1 comment:

m.b. said...

Goodness, I wish it was warm enough here for a swim.

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...