Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Jade's first attempt at her first athletics carnival......

Wednesday 30th March

I got Jade up got her dressed - spent over half an hour doing her hair...... and then due to rain - the athletics carnival was Jade had to get changed back into her school clothes... but left the hair in....

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Blake's 4th Haircut......

Tuesday 22nd March.....

Blake's hair has been bugging me for a while - it's in his eyes when he swims - it's not so bad while it's dry with it being so curly... but it always looks messy.....  and I'd been told about the new hairdresser out at Tannum... Kreative Kids Kuts.... So, I called and got an appointment.....   

After getting a bit lost... we finally got there.... This place was fantastic.... the hairdresser asked if Blake wanted to sit in the BMW... but Blake looked straight past the car and went "Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!!!!!" - so it was settled... he got to sit on the motorcycle while he had his hair cut....

Before Shot....

Most people haven't even really picked up that Blake's had a haircut... but it's not long enough to get in his eyes now... so I'm happy again :)

After the cut, and after I'd got a few pics, he got his hair sprayed.....  of course it had to be blue!

Blake was most unimpressed that night in the bath when Rob washed his hair.... 
"Oh No!  MY BLUE HAIR!!!!!!"
The water went blue and Blake cried....

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun, in the Sun, Sun, Sun...... hot too!

Sunday 20th March...

After our trip to the Markets and then the adventure at Toyworld, the kids went out and spent some time on the driveway on their scooters....  I really do love our driveway - I'm so glad that I didn't hold off doing it.... :)

It was REALLY hot... if you enlarge this pic you can see all the sweat beads  on Blake's face.....

It was then time for ZooperDoopers.....

Belated Birthday Presents from Grandad.....

Sunday 20th March....

Earlier this week the kids received a letter from Rob's dad - with $50 for each of them saying to go buy themselves something for their birthday as he was in hospital when their birthdays came this week....  so we went to Toyworld this morning to let the kids decide what they wanted......

Blake got a Diego truck with figurines, a Ben10 Figurine and a couple of Roary toys..... 

Jade got a Fairy Barbie (from the latest barbie movie) - and Flynn & Rapunzel from Tangled....

Nothing makes a child happier than birthday presents when it's not their birthday! :)

Matthew over for the day......

Saturday 19th March

Matthew lives 4 doors down... we've known him since he was first born as his mother used to walk past every day with his older brother and sister to take them to school....    there's about two months between Jade & Matthew in age....  He was born in December sometime.....  they've been asking for a couple of weeks if Matthew could come over to play - but "behaviour" or lack-thereof has caused it to not happen until this weekend.....

We went down to get Matthew at 9am and left at 11am to go and see Rango at the movies.... where we met up with a couple of my friends and their kids....  so we had 3 adults and 6 kids.... the kids were all in a row on their own... :) (I would have got a photo of that - but my phone doesn't have a flash.... so far - the only reason I've ever wanted an iPhone 4 over my 3GS....  it's not enough of a reason to upgrade....)

After the movie we headed to Maccas to get lunch - and Logan asked if he could come over... so Alana left him with us and we took him home later....

My G33k has been shopping on ThinkGeek.....

Wednesday 16th March

Rob's order from thinkgeek arrived.....  mostly stuff for me....

A Giant Angry Bird Plush.... Which Jade stole within the first minute....

Ada Lovelace  (this was a mystery shirt that was included...)
This was the lady that invented programming....   we're sending this one off to a friend who's actually a programmer - and it'll actually fit her! :)

Apparently my latest stint in watching Buffy Episodes sparked the purchase of this shirt...

Shane would appreciate this one....   Serenity from Firefly....

Go Big Bang Theory!

Christopher Eccleston... mmmmmmmmm

Another Big Bang...  Rob's taken this one.... 

House M.D.  -  another shirt Rob's got....

Another Big Bang Theory.... we've each got one of these ones....

Mystery shirt for Rob....

Another Mystery shirt for Rob... 
(for those who aren't into all the gaming thing - those letters are all from various gaming consoles... Sega, Xbox, Wii, Playstation, Nintendo - etc....)

(For The Win!)

Everyone loves LOLcats.... 

And of course, this shipment sparked interest with all his workmates wanting stuff - so another order has been placed.... pics coming soon!

Happy Kitty & Gorgeous Sunset.....

Sunday 13th March......

Nikki is definitely enjoying being the only cat around the house....
We've been able to put her back onto the good cat food....

Sunsets around here are generally pretty good - plus we've always got a pretty good view of them... 
(once we build our verandah out this side of the house - we'll enjoy them even more....)

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Blake's first toffee apple......

Sunday 13th March

Blake had his first toffee apple today... well - his first attempt at it - he didn't eat much before he decided to put it in the bin... but he did seem to enjoy what he did have....

(Jade didn't want one... so I haven't been able to take pics of her first toffee apple... maybe we'll try again in a year or so to see if she wants to try one... but for now, it's only Blake who's experienced the awesomeness that is the toffee apple.....   Frank and I used to love these as kids....  we didn't get htem often, but they haven't changed much in the last 30years.....)

It did get really messy - and I did end up with pink sticky spots throughout my kitchen, although I managed to mainly keep Blake outside - you can't avoid all disasters... :)

Chalk Masterpiece in the Making......

Friday 11th March

Nikki happily waiting for everyone to get home.....

After school we went to Mom and Dad's for a swim....   it wasn't as hot as it has been, so I froze on entering the water, but the kids enjoyed themselves... although it wasn't a really long swim for Blake who still feels the cold more than most.....

After the swim the kids grabbed mom's giant chalk and went off to make designs in their carport...

Jade used the paint make made on the concrete (by Rob - and he'll never live it down) - to make a car.....

Both kids are covered in chalk of all colours by the time they were finished.... most of Blake's was on his bum from sitting on Jade's various designs....

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...