Our little monster is 4....
I'd said to Jade on Wednesday night that when Greg came upstairs in the morning he wanted to give her her present.... (Greg comes upstairs about 5:30 to have breakfast quickly before ducking off to work for his 6am start)....
Well, Greg was upstairs at 5:15am... and WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! out comes Jade... and it wasn't even like Greg was stomping around to make noise... she'd obviously been waiting for him....
Her first comment of the day:
"I had a BIG sleep! and I got bigger... and NOW I'M FOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (just a little excited!)

DVD's from Greg.....

We opted for the classic "you need new clothes - so we'll wrap them and pretend like they're exciting!" option! (and I'd found these "Wonderpet" toys a while ago... so we wrapped them too!)

Tuck, Lenny & Ming Ming....
"Lenny, Tuck, and Ming Ming too... we're wonderpets and we'll help you!!!!!"
(Yup - you guessed it - I've had the theme song playing in my head since I started editing these pics!)
Mom and Dad headed up to the house at 6am so that they could give Jade her present before school... (and bring up the present from Grandma that they'd been hiding at their place....)

These toys are made to never be opened - I'm sure! (They're getting harder every year!)

Buzz Lightyear from Grandma....

Woody from Gran and Grandpa

and Buzz is free!!!

Woody & Buzz are friends - that's why they're holding hands!
After opening these two presents we managed to get breakfast into Jade as well as getting her hair done for school before we went to show her her other present.......

not too sure what to make of it.....

watching it inflate she got excited....

and bounced the morning away... to the point that I was nearly late for work!

Blake loved the castle too....

Woody had to wait outside..... (we were trying to protect Blake from flying toys!)
Woody got dragged to school, Jade was so excited to go... because she had cake for school and was wanting everyone to know it was her birthday....
Oh, she also apparently invited everyone from school - teachers and kids to her party..... wasn't that nice of her??? heh....
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