As most people are aware - the D80 died a month or so ago (it's currently off being repaired under warranty - so it's not 100% traumatic)... but since then we've been using our old Nokia 4500 (nearly 6yrs old - and it's definitely going downhill quickly - pics aren't always clear - etc - but 6yrs isn't a bad life for a digital camera - so we're not worried).
But, I've been dying without my camera... it's always much easier to blog when you have pictures to blog with...
Rob's been hassling me to get a D300 - and he's been losing... I don't see the point in spending that kind of money on a camera when I'm happy just taking happy snaps... and he's the one who wants to take all the arty photos.... but he doesn't have the spare time... and by the time he does - there'll probably be a D4000 or something out - and he'll want that....
Yesterday, he convinced me that a D60 is a good option for a "spare" camera... when I say "spare" - it will actually be the camera that he takes with him when he's heading out to remote sites and he needs to get pictures of any faults with the sites to send back to their head offices... and yes, a clicky clicky camera would do this trick too (not the 4500 - because it's taking blurry photos) - but, having a spare SLR makes sense when you're trying to keep your un-blogging-wife happy!! :)
So, we got a kit with two VR lenses - but for now, while the D80 is away - I'm just going to use my 18-200 VR lens that we bought to go with the 80... (that's the bonus of buying a camera the same as make your old one - you can switch over the lenses whenever you want!)
This morning, I grabbed the new camera and started taking my happy snaps... Jade was really in a posing mood - so it was fun... then she wanted to look at a pic... they don't stay on the screen long enough once you've taken the pic - so I pressed the button to preview the photo and got the "no memory card" flash up on screen... now the D80 wont do this.. if you try to take a pic with no memory card - it wont let you....
I'm so glad I was only taking play pics at home! I would have been annoyed if I'd been out somewhere - taking what I thought were good pics... and to get home and find nothing stored....
I went and got the SD card and put it in.... by then, Jade was a little over the posing....

This pic is inspired by the question "who's my monster??" -- the people at Jade's school all know that we call her monster... or feral... but monster doesn't seem as nasty.. but now she's taken to playing the part with extra effort!!

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