So, about 8am I headed off to Mom and Dad's place to see what they were up to for the day - and I found them trimming Jade's tree (well her swing hangs from it - and it's over her sandpit - so it's the easiest way to explain it)... Dad carefully cut the branches with the chainsaw, mom got up the tree to pass him the chainsaw rather than him trying to climb and hold it....

Last night (Saturday), I finally convinced Jade that Pricilla (Riggadoon doll that I got when I was about 10) needed more than just a t-shirt on (she's always stripping her off....) - so we got her dressed in a sleepsuit that we were given as a hand-me-down for Jade - but it was never cold enough in Gladstone to use it..... but it fits her perfectly....
Pricilla is a puppet - you put your hand into the back of the head... Jade thinks this is great... so she came up and Pricilla bit my finger... which prompted "ouch - that's not nice Pricilla!!" from me....
Which then prompted Jade "Cilla has been naughty, she has to go to the baby room!"... she was then put in the nursery and Jade came back to sit with us for a bit, then she said "Cilla wants to be good now, can she come out??" --- Just too cute!!

Now, I've been meaning to do this for a while.... I FINALLY have my bike back together.... this first photo is what the bike looked like when it was a nice shade of purple.... it was a nice dark purple that looked nearly black at night or even a dark blue... and that is it's daytime colour.....
We got it resprayed - and apparently this is "close" in colour.... It's a good paint job - but unfortunately not such a fantastic colour.... but you get that... you can't do everything perfectly all the time....
And before anyone comments, the Tractor in the background is Dad's.... Rob will get a trumpy in a couple of years - but after we've done other stuff that we need to do - and once we have time to ride again... else we're just paying another lot of rego and insurance for another vehicle that barely gets ridden.....
I would have taken the bike outside into the sun to get a photo of the real colour that it is... but this gives you enough of an idea of how light it is - as well as how "Red/pink" it appears... but it's all good - once it's all back on the road - I don't think I'd care if it were fluro yellow... it's still my storm... :)
After doing up the sign, Jade decided to help Mom by watering her passionfruit vine....