Jess came over this morning to visit with Baby Janae....soo cute... 7 months... hasn't yet cut a tooth - but it doesn't seem to be too far off.....
This afternoon we decided to head out with the bikes, Rob and Greg rode their new bikes down to meet us at the cycle path and park where we went last time with Jaime, Damian and Xander...
The boys seem happy with their new bikes....

Greg seems quite at home....

Rob probably wishing there was an engine attached somewhere...

The three musketeers..
how "Greg" plays on this equipment....

with a push from his dad....

and a splat!!!

Jade got an addiction to the flying fox - happy to swing from one end to the other... but at only 2yrs - she can't reach it on her own... so we had to lift her and let her off it each time... but each time she got her feet back onto terra firma she followed it up with "again again??? - more swing!"
Greg then decided to show off and was doing chinups on the flying fox pole..... I'm not sure that he completed more than about 3 of them, but it still beats what the rest of us could do.....
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