Today was that time of the month again, time to go to sea urchins and let the kids entertain themselves... unfortunately - entertaining themselves still isn't high on their priorities... although - Jade did well - the first half an hour or so she was quite happy to run around and play with the other kids - which was long enough to enjoy a cappucino before having to pull out the camera (yes - I remembered it today!) and run around taking photos....
Within about 10mins - I was sweating... which in my current state of badly needing a haircut - was not a good thing - cause then my hair was sticking in every which way... pity it can't look as cute as Jade's hair.... but you get that..... (not really sure I'm up for pig tails anyway!)
Anyway, this concludes my blogging for the weekend......

Kate and Mitchell

Jade worked out that the swingy things were able to be grabbed onto... so it's a swing that I don't have to push her on! Yay!!!
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