Greg got through his first week of school, he seems reasonably happy with it all and over the week has become good friends with Isaac from next door....
Rob's nearly home from his Trip - left from here - went to Melbourne - picked up a compressor as well as webpage designs done by a friend of his for a client - went to sydney, helped his mother with some technical installations (making sure her computer was set up and ready to go when she gets her internet in a few days), then he headed over to Lil's place to pick up Greg's bed, chair and other clothing that he hadn't brought up on the flight.... (forgetting to get Greg's linen... so I had to go out today to buy a Queen Size Doona, Doona set and pillows... and OMG wasn't that an expensive episode!
Anyway, while we were out shopping I thought I should get Jade some undies, the daycare lady said that when she wants to start training Jade she'll put a note in Jade's bag to send undies along with her... so we got some Dora Undies... and apparently they go on your head.... the holes are for her tails to stick out.... (apparently - not like I'd know any better.....)

Jade didn't want to sleep this afternoon, I'm not sure if she still sleeps in the Pre-Kindy room at daycare... I guess I should find that out... but I would have thought that they'd have some kind of sleep during the day....
Anyway, so we went around to Mom and Dad's this afternoon to entertain them until it was time to head home for dinner.... Unfortunately, Jade was so busy entertaining everyone that we didn't leave until 6:15 or so - so we got home - had dinner - got changed for bed (and skipped the whole bathing process....)
Little did I realise just how grotty she was... you can see in the photo that her hand is almost black from playing in the sandpit as well as a grotty face.... so I tried to clean her up a bit before bed but she's still reasonably grotty....
Oh, and Rob's said that he'll have Jade for the day tomorrow... so I get to head out for lunch and to the movies with Kate tomorrow!! Yay!!!!
Greg's got a pupil free day at school on Monday, Rob was hoping to take him out on the motorbike but it doesn't look like he wants to do that - so we may end up going and spending the afternoon at the beach (if jade is refusing to sleep again)....
Anyway, it's 8:20pm - and I'm totally worn out...
Oh, quick update - I went to the Drs yesterday and I'm classified now as "High Risk" because of the previous two shocking pregnancies - so I'm being referred directly to the Dr at the hospital that dealt with me this last time and I'll be doing all of my baby visits through him ... I've also been put straight onto clexane again - but this time 100mg as opposed to 40mg that I was on last time - I don't quite understand the change - but when I get to the hospital dr I may find that he'll put me back to the 40mg... we'll see.... (the 100's hurt and generally bruise - whereas the 40's weren't *too* bad...)
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