They arrived on Monday night, Jade was already asleep - so we just sat around talking and hoping that Jade wouldn't wake... we managed it reasonably well - around 10:30 Jade started crying so everyone went downstairs and I went to sort out Jade who had gone back to sleep before I even got to the room.. so that worked out well for me..
Tuesday morning I had to go to work for a planning meeting and then I was able to come home, I had to get a few things done - so I was in at work at 6am - but that was all good - meant I only lost 4hrs annual leave for that day by the time I left...

Bath Time - Tuesday night...
Wednesday - Narelle & I took Damien and Jade to Sea Urchins to play in the morning - then got them home in time for their afternoon sleep - then in the afternoon we headed to Tannum Sands Beach... Jade wasn't overly happy with the idea of getting into the water at the beach - but she was ok once we'd dragged her in... although she was happier once Rob turned up and she played with him in the sand burying her legs etc.

at the beach..
Thursday we took Narelle to the local hairdressers to have her hair cut - they kind of went a little overboard and she wasn't able to tie her hair back fully - but luckily her hair grows really quickly - so it wont be such an issue in a few weeks... after that, we came home - fed the kids and I put jade to bed - Narelle and Shaf took off to see the local dam (and other places I'd imagine)...
Friday morning we got up and headed off to Rockhampton to head to the Rock Pool Water Park with the kids... The baby pool at this place is awesome, Jade and Damien loved it - complete with all the ballpit balls and the slides that slide directly into the water....
Saturday was a simple day - the boys (Rob, Greg and Shaf) headed off in the morning to go out on the trials bikes and by the time they were ready to go it was too hot to ride, so they decided that they'd go in the afternoon - so we dropped them home (complete with Jade and Damien) and Narelle and I went shopping for food for the BBQ that night.
Saturday night - obviously - we had a BBQ at Mom and Dad's place with Gran and our friends Bec and A.J. came over... Bec is 21 weeks pregnant - Narelle is 31 - and I'm 8... so it was a house full of pregnant females... but the good thing was - we had to make fresh salads and not buy pre-made because we couldn't eat them... so I guess at least it wasn't one person worrying about upsetting people by saying "I can't eat that that and that".... All good!
Narelle, Shaf and Damien left yesterday morning at 11:05 and headed back to Melbourne - I believe totally worn out from a busy week (as were we)... we got home - got Jade to sleep - and I began editing all of the photos taken during the week - I believe there were over 300 between our camera and Narelle's although there may have been more....
After Jade woke up - we headed around to Mom and Dad's place for a swim.... Jade is now confident enough to just jump to anyone - whether they're watching for her or not... this is going to make for scary times ahead - but I'm sure she'll give herself a fright at some point and reconsider jumping in without calling out to the person first....
Jade had her swimming lesson today and then I dropped her back with Mom and I headed off to print out photos at Harvey Norman and get a few things done around the house while she slept... then I went to pick her up... she's been in a shocking mood - not sure if there's something up with her or if she's just severely overtired from a busy week.... lets just hope she goes to bed easily tonight and I can have an early night and get up fresh for work rather than look like I need a week off - rather than the fact that I've had a week off....