Friday 28th September.....
Tropicarnage Cup is the QLD State Titles of Roller Derby.... Leagues around the state can enter and then they bout until they decide who the best team in the state is..... we entered as the bottom league (as every other league had previously competed - aside from Tweed Valley Rollers... it was their first time too) - we figured we were definitely the bottom team.....
So, we're on our way.... down to Tropicarnage....
KK and Ingrid in the back of the Prado for the road trip....
We stopped at the peanut van.... at Childers... apparently three of them like peanuts....
Ingrid, myself & KK
After a stop at Torbanlea - KK discovered the cup holders in the back... (she's always been in the front of the Prado for road trips... but Rob and I had the fronts seats... so she was stuck in the back)
Excited about coffee and cup holders..... (it really doesn't take much sometimes)
Kiri, KK, myself & Kittie....
(all ready to head to Hogsbreath for dinner)
Ingrid & Rob
Sarah & Graeme
Kiri (trying to hide that she's playing on her phone - under the table...... )
Rob & I
KK, myself & Kiri
Myself & Kittie (in the back)
Jake, Shreds & KK (in the front)
Ingrid trying to sms Michael to find out where he is...
Myself & Ingrid
KK taking a pic of me taking a pic of her.... (oh yeah, maturity plus in Derby land!)
Apparently the waitress didn't want her pic taken....)
neither did KK.... such a charmer
Oh, that's better.... Derby love... with wings!
Michael got there.... and KK was pulling cranky faces with him.....
Sarah & Graeme had arrived at Caboolture way ahead of the Townsville Roller Derby team... and they couldn't check into their hotel room until the rest of the team got there... so after dinner, they headed back to our room and hung out until they were able to check in.....
So, there was a complete night of derby chat until they left about 11pm.... but that was ok, no rush to get up in the morning, we didn't have our bout until 3pm against CARD (Coastal Assassins Roller Derby - from the Sunshine Coast)